Monday Motivating Mindset


Apply today's Motivating Mindset and you will gain power and confidence in dealing with any fears that hold your life back.


The Mindset challenge I am proposing this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:

"Is It True?"


Ask yourself this question every chance you get every day this week and the promise is that you will gain courage and grow greatly in the areas of reasoning and emotional control.


The seeds of fear, worry and doubt grow to produce pain, drain and anxiety.

The good news is that fear, worry and doubt are beliefs... and you can still choose your beliefs.

If you can choose your beliefs then you can change them.

A belief is basically an evaluation of information relating to a person, place or thing.

You can always change your evaluation of something by considering new information.

The best way to gain new insight when feeling the same fear, worry or doubt is to ask yourself:

"Is It True?"

Reflect further with questions such as:

Is this situation true? Is this the only way of adding up the facts? What are all of the facts?

Fears, worry and doubt are often evaluations of information that are incomplete, inaccurate and incorrect.

What beliefs have you accepted that perhaps aren't true?


Unfortunately there is no easy way to determine what information that we accept as part of our lives and use to make decisions with has been completely misinterpreted.

Gently laugh at yourself for fostering your limiting-beliefs and give yourself the present of presence when consciously choosing not to continue feeding false fabrications.

Questions to follow up with are: "How do I know this is true?" and "Could I be making any false assumptions?"

The questions are only as good as the answers that you come up with.

You must be willing to gain new information if you want to move past old thought processes.

Your fear, your worry and your doubt all reside in belief systems that you can rebuild and renovate to rule.

"There is nothing to fear except the persistent refusal to find out the truth, the persistent refusal to analyze the causes of happenings." --- Dorothy Thompson

All you need to do is change the way you evaluate something, because then you also change the way you feel about it.

When you change the way you feel about something, even just a little bit, your belief about it has also changed.

Remember to celebrate the small wins in your belief breakthroughs.

You are stronger and more powerful than you can believe.

Seek the truth.

Ask and thou shall find.

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