Monday Motivating Mindset


This weeks Motivating Mindset will help you live with more fun and freedom.


Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"Is this conversation I'm having with myself encouraging?"


Ask this question to center yourself whenever you become aware of your self-talk.


Did you have a conversation with yourself today?

The answer is yes because every body in the world talks to them self.

Day-in and day-out we humans exercise our unique ability to talk to our self.

This ability is unparalleled in the animal kingdom, meaning no other species on the planet uses self-talk.

However, the real question to ask is not whether you have talked to yourself, but when was the last time you encouraged yourself while talking?

How often did you encourage yourself last month? How often last week? How about today?

If you are like most people, you can probably use one hand to count how many times.

This is because most people don't encourage themselves on a regular basis.

Why this occurs is a mystery to science and psychology.

One thing is for certain, poor self-talk is certainly not the way that nature intended for us to use this gift.

For example, how would it appear if you walked up underneath a tree and caught it talking to itself the way humans do?

Imagine it saying "Oh no they're falling off again! I must be a bad tree, my own leaves don't even want to stay on me!"

This would be simply ridiculous wouldn't it?

The same thing would happen if any animal acted in this manner wouldn't it?

Yet day in and day-out we continue to have negative and pessimistic conversations with our selves.

It is absolutely incredible that we allow these crazy conversations with our self to continue.

The best way to change this terrible trend of self-talk is to become more aware of how you talk to yourself.

Ask yourself "Is this conversation I'm having with myself encouraging?" whenever you find yourself debating, or talking to yourself.

The more you ask this question, the more that you will become aware in future conversations.

The more you become aware of your conversation, the better you can consciously ensure that your self-talk is encouraging.


In any moment any bodies life on this planet can end.

Nobody really knows when this moment could occur for them, only that it will occur.

The only person that will be around at that time for sure is you.

When this moment happens you will again have a conversation with yourself.

When you speak to yourself during these final moments will you be encouraging to yourself?

Will you be able to look back and reflect in peace with the feelings of joy, adventure and gratitude that you felt for your life?

Or will the dialogue be filled with guilt, anger and regret from having an unnecessarily miserable relationship with yourself?

The bad news is that sooner or later one or the other will inevitably happen.

The good news is that starting right now you have the choice to decide which one.

Every moment of self-talk is an opportunity to build a better relationship with yourself.

Ask yourself "Is this conversation I'm having with myself encouraging?" to check-in with yourself during the day.

Your goal is to become your own best friend and your own biggest fan.

Figure out ways that you can use self-talk to speak to yourself as if you were head-over-heels in love.

Your challenge is to do the following simple but powerful exercise.

Imagine that you are so in-love with yourself that you can only compliment and encourage yourself.

After you wake up tomorrow say to yourself "congratulations, I must be awesome enough to have another day to be me, what a joy!"

Then you walk to the bathroom, flick on the light and give yourself a mental high-five for hitting the switch your first try.

When you pick up the right toothbrush and turn on the tap say to yourself "another job well-done!"

After you pick out an outfit, how about saying "wow.. absolutely stunning, world watch out for me!"

Continue on throughout your day in this way, complimenting or encouraging yourself at every conceivable opportunity.

The more genuine and honest you are with yourself the more self-confidence and personal power you will gain.

Try it for one day and watch in amazement at the energy you have and the emotions you feel!

The Wonder of You

Deepak Chopra explores the mystery of your body in its growth from a single cell to a symphony of activities guided by an inner intelligence that mirrors the wisdom of the universe. - Featuring Deepak Chopra Author, Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment

Nassim Haramein: Unified Field Theory

If you only watch just one science talk you have to listen to this one. If you are not yet familiar with Nassim Haramein's exciting work, prepare yourself for an exhilarating odyssey into hyperspace and beyond.