Monday Motivating Mindset


This weeks Motivating Mindset will alter the world you see and how you see it.


Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"What new thing did I notice today?"


Ask yourself this question and it will help you find new possibilities and potentials.


Before you close your eyes tonight ask yourself the question: "What new thing did I notice today?" and see what kind of answer you come up with.

Noticing something new is the first step in learning something new, which is a prerequisite for growing.

Everyday you are given the choice to either learn and grow or else recede and die. What do you want to do?

If you want to grow then it is important to stretch yourself and step outside your comfort zone as often as possible.

A good way to measure the growth on a daily basis is by asking yourself "What new thing did I notice today?" and recording your answer.

Everyday there is something new to learn, and sometimes even someone new to learn it from.

The world is constantly providing you new teachers to learn from and grow if you are open for it.

The problem is that far too many people are plagued with closed minds that don't allow them to grow.

You can recognize a person who is afraid to grow by the way they talk about new things.

They will use phrases like "I know that/this/them" and "I already heard about that/this/them" no matter what the subject.

People like this act as though they have discovered everything there is on Earth and know everything about it.

The truth is that these people are attached to a belief-system that equates their knowledge with their worthiness.

They are afraid of looking dumb if they don't know what you are talking about, so they overcompensate by pretending to know-it-all.

Since no one can ever know-it-all their efforts are usually always in vain and they end up looking foolish.

Amazingly, the irony is that looking foolish is the exact thing that these people wanted to avoid in the first place.

You can avoid feeling stupid for being ignorant by excusing yourself as an adventurer who is learning as they go.

Everyday you are journeying further on your adventure, learning things you didn't know before and growing in ways you never thought you could.

When you come across something that you don't know, make it a point to learn it and don't be afraid to ask questions to strengthen your understanding.

There are no stupid questions except for the ones inside your had that you don't ask.

Commit to becoming an adventurer today, and start discovering the world all over again.

Abandon ideas that aren't working for you and find out new ways of doing the same thing.

Make it a point to uncover as many new things you can discover about an old friend.

Fall in love with your spouse, or your loved one all over again and notice what qualities made you fall in love with them in the first place.

Noticing something new in your life can change your world literally.

A great question to keep track of your observations is by asking "What new thing did I notice today?"


Asking yourself "What new thing did I notice today?" is a great way to notice change.

Noticing something change is important, because it is the visual representation of growth.

If you noticed something new existing without, it can only be due to the growth that took place within.

Growth on the exterior, or outer world is always a reflection of the growth that has taken place inside.

These shifts of growth inside are represented by changes in our attitudes, preferences and perceptions.

Here is an example that you can probably related to:

You pick up a new car, get a new dress, or buy a new cell phone and the moment you got it you started noticing everyone else who had one like yours.

All of a sudden, you see your purchase everywhere you go but can't recall seeing it around even a day before you bought it.

The growth that took place was in a part of the brain called the Reticular Activating Cortex, sometimes referred to as the Reticular Activating System (RAS for short).

Whenever you notice something new, it is because of this part of your brain that acts like an operator switch board for your perception.

Your RAS acts like your personal secretary, a gatekeeper that decides what goes "in" to your awareness and what stays "out".

Before you had your new car your RAS didn't know it was important to you, but now since you have one, your RAS is trained to point out more of what you are looking for.

It searches for more of the people, situations and circumstances that you desire and filters out what it feels is unnecessary.

Your RAS works subconsciously in the background by tirelessly filtering your experience based only on what you programed, it will never let in anything you didn't ask for.

This is important enough to state again, your RAS never lets in anything that you don't ask for.

If you want more happiness, joy, prosperity, friendships, peace, love in your life then you first ask for what you want.

Attracting something new in your life is as easy as imagining it was already there.

Your job is to tell your RAS that these things are important to you and that you want to see more of them in your life.

The way to program your RAS to show you more of what you want in the future is by consciously intending for more of it now.

Your consciousness is the program writer for your RAS, it does this through a number of things including the way you feel and act, and the self-talk that you have with yourself.

For example you can program your RAS by feeling as though you had it, acting as though it was already yours, and talking to yourself as if your desire is now a part of your life.

As the world begins to respond to your desires your next immediate goal is to become aware of the signs and evidence of possibilities and potentials manifesting.

A great question to train your RAS to search for new things is to ask yourself "What new thing did I notice today?".

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