The Memory Formula

10 - 24 - 7

Need to remember something? Here's how to make it a habit:

10 - 24 - 7 is the number you need to remember as a formula for making a habit of things.

Here's how it works:

10 = 10 Minutes.
You need to do the desired behaviour for at least ten minutes.

24 = 24 Hours.
You need to do the desired behaviour within 24 hours of the last time.

7 = 7 Times.
You need to repeat the desired behaviour for 7 times.

For example: If you wanted to committ a specific routine from your favorite yoga instructor you would do the following:

- Practice the yoga routine for at least 10 minutes.
- Practice the same yoga routine within 24 hours.
- Practice your yoga routine regiment 7 times.

Voila!! you now will have impressed upon yourself the memory of doing the yoga routine without instructions.

*Interesting note: 10 - 24 - 7 = -21 (number of days to turn something into a habit)

For more information like this and on building healthy habits, check out my squidoo page

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