Do you think I manifested this?

Tonight I experienced the pleasure of connecting with like-minded people focused on writing. This informal writers club was the brainstorm that came from another gathering of like-minded people, a Toastmasters meeting.

The Toastmasters club I belong to decided to have a meeting in the park since it was early fall and the weather would support it. Besides the special location, the meeting was special for another reason, my club "Igniters" was meeting with the "Miracles" club. It was a chance to hear thoughts, ideas, and speeches from another club, plus we got to meet some new faces and network.

At the end of the meeting, an outgoing woman approached me and informally suggested getting together over coffee in the near future to share our interests in writing. Another Miracles club member overheard our conversation and expressed interest in joining us. Wow, this support seemed to manifest itself out of thin air, so we exchanged contact details to schedule a future meeting.

This evenings meeting was a direct result of the efforts of the first networking in the park. What we especially cool about this particular meeting is that "by chance" one of the ladies invited a fellow coach to the meeting, and this was a coach I have heard a lot from a different source but hadn't had the pleasure to meet yet.

I had an engaging conversation with all three and felt very happy about the connections that I had made, all by being open to what was in store for me. Do you have a similar story? Drop me a line and let it rip. =)

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