3 Ways To Speed Up The Law of Attraction

Starting your day the right way takes more than just getting out of bed on the right side. If you want to maximize your time and direct your energy towards those areas in your life that count, make sure you consider starting your day with these 3 points in mind.

1. Every day you are blessed with the gift to open your eyes each morning, take a moment then to remind yourself what else you are grateful for. In fact, make it a point not to get out of bed until you can at least find three things to be grateful for. Feel the emotion fill your body as you become appreciative and thankful of whatever you are grateful for.

2. Set the day with positive intentions by ensuring that you only accept the finest thoughts for the first hour of your day. Some people call this time the Golden Hour, as the things that you do in the first hour will set the tone for your entire day.

3. Take at least 30 minutes to sit quietly and to reflect on your goals. Let your mind wander freely around your intentions. This is the time to review and revise any plans as necessary. By focusing on your goals in this manner you will undoubtedly bring the manifestation into reality quicker and easier than you would without it.

To accomplish the above strategies will require both time and willpower. At first you will be tempted to rush through these exercises and get on with your day. If you are already strapped for time and truly committed to seeing change, you may just have to get up a half an hour earlier to spend this special time with yourself.

Take the challenge and incorporate this 3 step formula into your daily waking routine for just one month. Send me an e-mail and let me know what your goal was, and if you were able to manifest it within the challenge period.

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