Revised Response to Everything Counts Entry on Influencing Future Generations

Do You Have The Power to Influence Future Generations?

Even whether we believe it or not, we all have the power to influence future generations. Many of us often mistake the real power our words and actions have, unknowingly by default, pass on our subconscious negative belief-patterns and unproductive habits.

Through the power of living deliberately, in the present moment, also know as the ever unfolding now, will our actions speak out our passion and our passion imprint any situation with the potential for future positive growth.

In the stream of consciousness we are aware of our actions and our words, which is the place we want to be operating from since we act as role models and major influence sources for the young in our lives. Your sphere of influence should be treated with the utmost respect because out of all the possibilities and probabilities to exist on this planet in this particular time and space, the young leaders of tomorrow gave you the opportunity to shape their future!

Whenever you are in a situation you have the power to make it better than when you weren’t a part of it at all. That is the power of living consciously and it can leave people feeling great or leave them feeling small. If it’s necessary for you to shine, now is the time to heal painful wounds immediately so that you can step into that person they desperately need. Commit to being conscious about ensuring that the “net-effect” of your words and actions are viewed as “energy” deposits into their emotional bank account rather than registering as withdrawals.

Gain clarity by asking yourself this question “Could the person benefit from you not saying anything at all?” If the answer is yes, then it is likely best to be quiet for now or keep your comment of wisdom to yourself. However, if the person in no way benefits from you keeping your mouth shut, then surprisingly or not my friend it is probably your job to tactfully provide them with that benefit.

It is great that you probably already knew most of that, because that is the easy part of positively influencing others. The real test arrives in the form of consistency, where you must pass the continual test of self-discipline in order to make life in your sphere of influence better for everyone. Your challenge: Reach out today and help a young person by being the quality role model that you know is best!

By helping others get stronger we get stronger ourselves. Let’s start winning together! The world needs your unique contribution towards youth leadership! If you need some advice in your corner or are looking for more members on your team let me know, (mailto: I would love to help!

Humbled by your greatness,

The Success Sensei

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