Monday Motivating Mindset


By taking the application of today's Motivating Mindset you will live a life that is more purposeful.


The Mindset challenge I am proposing this week is getting yourself in the habit of asking yourself the following question:

"How many days left?" or asked differently... "Could today be my last?"


Do this every day for this week and the promise is that you will make giant strides towards living with less regret and more purposefully!


Today's question refers to the number of days you have remaining in your life.

Do you know how many days left on this Earth you have left?

Unfortunately while no calculator or person can ever give you the exact answer, the answer could come today, a week from today, or many many years from today.

Regardless of whether you accept it or not, the fact is that we all must return to sender one day.

The sooner that you accept and deal with the fragility of life the sooner you will be on your way to improving your life.

It may seem like a grim outlook to start your Monday but don't be mistaken, only those who have understood and accept this fully can take control and power back into their lives.

In fact, understanding and accepting this question allows you to immediately create more purpose and passion in your life.

The more you fully accept that your time here is finite the more that you will strive to live your life to the maximum.

You live to the maximum when you pursue your hearts desires.

You live with heartbreak when you don't fully live your life.


Try asking yourself this question at the beginning and end of the day.

Keep asking this question when you find yourself in conflict with other people.

Are you communicating with others the way you would spend your time and energy if you knew it was your last day?

How can you treat people you come across today as if this was the last time you were ever going to spend time with them?

How would you like your friends, family and loved to remember their last moments with you?

You have the ability to treat each day as if it were your last. What is stopping you from doing this?

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