Monday Motivating Mindset


This weeks Motivating Mindset will help you live with more focus, joy and gratitude.


The Mindset challenge I am proposing this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:

"In this moment, what is most important for my success?"


Ask yourself this question before every activity or challenge you come across this week and the promise is that you will be clearer about your actions and inspired to do more with your life.


Before you get out of bed tomorrow, lay there awake and ask yourself "In this moment, what is most important for my success?"

There is no "right" or "wrong" answer to this question, only an answer that will either move you closer toward or further away from your goals and dreams.

If you want to supercharge your successes and activate the Law of Attraction to bring you more positive results then the default answer to this question could be..."feeling gratitude".

Being in a state of gratitude is always the best action in every moment because the feeling of being appreciative for your life will automatically attract more to be thankful for.

What can you be thankful for as you ask yourself this question?

Regardless of whatever it is that you are grateful for make sure that the rest of your daily actions are also guided by that question and aligned with that feeling.

After you have grounded your day in gratitude then ask yourself the same question as you make your way out of bed, ""In this moment, what is most important for my success?"

Keep asking yourself the question as often as you can to guide you closer toward your dreams and to make sure that those dreams come true, be sure to book some personal "you" time.

The first hour of your day is an ideal time to give yourself some quality time alone.

"In this moment, what is most important for my success?"

Some ideas that you can utilize this hour with are: visualize the goals and dreams that are important to you, look at a vision board, affirm positive intentions, read a book, meditate in stillness, or quietly review your long-term goals.

Take this time to set the tone of your day, ensure that you are focused on your goals and to help amplify the Law of Attraction to bring you what you do desire.


Ideally the earlier in your day you make time for yourself the better, however you are not limited to specifically utilizing the morning.

Experiment making quality time for yourself in the afternoon or during the evening before you go to bed. Find out the best time to activate your peak mental and physical state.

To speed up the time lag between your dreams and your results you should find the time to do this exercise twice a day.

Also, if 60 minutes seems too long or you don't feel that you have time in your day then try starting with personal time of 15 minutes. Gradually increase your time to 30 minutes, 45 minutes and then to an hour.

Thinking that you do not have time to slow down and find out what is most important for you in each moment is admitting that you would rather continue to be blinded by your behaviour then to be motivated by your mindset.

It is only an illusion that you can continue to do what you are doing and get what you want.

To get what you want you must do what you've never done, otherwise if you have already done it you would have already had it.

Most people do not develop the habit of putting their dreams and goals in front of them and then they wonder why nothing ever happens.

Skipping your personal quality time is like skipping breakfast and wondering why you don't have any energy. It seems silly to wonder why if you haven't had any food right?

Similarly it doesn't make sense to think it is strange or mysterious that you don't have the results you desire in life without first finding the time to make the important goals an important part of your every day.

Ask yourself the question "In this moment, what is most important for my success?" to help keep you on track.

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