Monday Motivating Mindset


This weeks Motivating Mindset will help you transform yourself into the person that you always knew you would be.


Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"Who am I becoming?"


Ask yourself this question as many opportunities you have this week and the promise is you will instill more pride, passion and purpose into your everyday living.


First thing when you get up tomorrow morning ask yourself the question, "Who am I becoming?"

Relax and allow your mind to wonder freely while taking a few moments to ponder your answer.

When you picture your future self are you happy, proud or excited about the person that you are becoming?

As you reflect this question for some of you it may feel uncomfortable, you may feel the urge to pass judgement, or simply feel this is a question that doesn't seem to make any sense.

Some of you may not be able to answer the question, which is ok too, and if this is the case for you then it is important to realize that the asking the question itself is often more important than the answer.

"It's the question that drives us" --- Trinity (The Matrix, 1999)

We are all unique and the answers that each and every one of us comes up with will be different, however, as individuals there are a few things that we all share in common.

One such example is that regardless of what your race, height, weight, IQ, EQ, career, education, relationship or socio-economic status is we all have the same set amount of hours in a day to work with.

We each get 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute and each second passes by at a constant rate of one second per second, no matter what!

Therefore the person you are becoming is becoming so at a rate of one second per second every day.

You might be tempted to dismiss the power of each second, after all you might think to yourself "what good could possibly happen in one second"?

Like for instance who would want a one-second massage, one-second marriage or one-second shopping spree right?

However when you stop to really think about it, this second right now, not the second that just past, or the second from now, is really the ONLY second we EVER have.

Every second that passes is part of yesterday, the second that has "yet-to-come" will always belong to tomorrow.

The second known as "now" brings the gift of choice, and with it the power for any personal or life transformation.

This eternal second is shared by all, a gift, a present, the gift of the present moment.

When you ask yourself "Who am I becoming" do you notice that you are becoming someone who is increasingly friendly with, and passionate about the present moment?

Anything that you can ever do or anything that will ever be done to you will happen in the present moment.

The best way to give yourself the best chance of becoming a better you is to first learn how to stop looking at the old you as a reference point.

Your results today indicate your previous habits and your habits are a result of the accumulation of yesterday's choices.

The old you is a result of your old choices and decisions, and cannot be the result of the new choices and decisions that are available to you in this moment.

Even though you can see it with your own eyes, the old you is just an illusion, a fictional identity that only exists in our imagination.

It is fictional because we have the ability to change who we are, make our identities completely up, and start all over again if we want to.

No matter what type of person you think you were, no matter what your weight or age, and no matter what results you've gotten in the past you can use the moment that arrives in this second to become better.

Every second you have the opportunity to learn something about yourself, about other people and about life in general that can make the journey interesting and entertaining.

By choosing to learn about yourself, others and life you will inevitably become a better and brighter person.

The person who you want to be in the future can only become so if you choose to be that person now.

Every moment from now until your very last second you have the ability to choose to build a bigger future.

If you choose to do something new in the moment you set yourself up for something new and better in the next moment.

If you choose to do something that you've always done before, you will continue to get the same results you've gotten before.

Albert Einstein said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"

Become the new you by deciding today to invite the new you inside your head for a chat.

Then ask the new you the question "Who am I becoming?" and allow your ideal self to imagine what it would be like to triumphantly live your dream lifestyle.

Do you picture yourself as confident, competent and cool. Can you imagine how it feels to be a bold and brave adventurer?

Make it a goal to increase the amount of times you "visit" with the new you, even go as far as to write down the conversations you have with your higher self.

Delegate the new you to make the important choices in your life, decisions like whether or not to go to the gym, smoke a cigarette or invest in some new education.

Remember to celebrate any and all decisions made by the new you, regardless of the outcome.

When it comes time to make an important decision again, allow the new you to choose.

Let the new person with the experience of holding off even just that one cigarette answer the question "Who am I becoming?"

Life is constantly unfolding second-by-second, moment-by-moment and with it you are becoming the person of your choice, so remember to choose wisely.


Even though your worth is priceless you must still proactively and persistently build yourself to increase your value.

What are you consciously creating that is helping to grow yourself, your valued skills and your service to others?

What are you doing on purpose right now that will cultivate you towards being the person you aspire to be?

Take a moment to ask yourself what you are deliberately doing today that is increasing your value?

One way to accelerate your success is to create an intention for the day, a conscious daily intention.

Choose either an affirmation that inspires and excites you or pick a personal declaration that you feel passionate about fulfilling.

An example of such an affirmation might be: "I am a strong communicator"

An example of a similar declaration could be: "I choose today to become the very best listener in all of my conversations"

Do you already keep a success journal to record all the things you are grateful for, and all the reasons you have to celebrate?

If so, a journal would be a great spot to also record your affirmations and your declarations.

Feel free to refine, evolve and tweak your affirmation and declaration statements until they accurately reflect the power behind your personal intentions.

How will you know when you are reading the "right" affirmation or declaration?

While there is no right or wrong answer, a good indication you are on to something is you feel a surge of energy, a rush of exhilaration, or even a nervous fear of excitement just from reading it.

Your job next is to take that powerful personal statement and read it over and over as many times as possible with the enthusiasm.

Read it first thing in the morning when you wake up. Read it last thing at night before you go to bed.

Try this assignment for at least one whole week and at the end of the week ask yourself "Who am I becoming?"

You have the power to become the person you always dreamed, figure out first who exactly that is and then put in the effort by choosing to be like that person now.

Take today's tip to heart and the total effort required will be less than you imagined and the reward you receive will be beyond your wildest dreams!

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