Monday Motivating Mindset


This weeks Motivating Mindset will help you strengthen the currency of your creations, that of course being your thoughts.


Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"What can I control?"


Ask yourself this question whenever you feel like you are losing control and the promise is you will be uplifted to new possibilities.


Believe this or not, that majority of us have days that we wished we never would have woke up.

It doesn't matter if you are young, old, rich or poor, spiritual, not religious or in-between, lifes' bumps happen to the best of us.

The next time you think you are having one of those days, ask yourself "What can I control?" to bump yourself back in the game.

First and foremost you must take a look at where the apparent control of the situation is placed.

Are you putting control of the situation in your court, with the empowered desire to move forward through the situation positively and grow?

Or... are you putting control of the situation outside yourself, with the dis-empowered desire to do anything productive or positive?

Real productivity and true growth happen as a result of realizing the degree of control you have.

The more you recognize your own relationship with control, the more you can produce the personal power needed to realize your goals and dreams.

The more goals and dreams that are realized the more that you in turn grow as a person.

Therefore, if you have a great relationship with control then naturally you will grow faster.

However, if you have a poor relationship with controlling yourself in situations then naturally you will struggle more.

Ask yourself "What can I control?" to ensure you are not playing the blame game or justifying your reaction.

For example you are playing the blame game if something upsetting occurs and you immediately react to the situation and accuse others involvement.

Blame holds you back from moving forward, hinders your ability to find a true solution and puts the power in somebody else's hands.

You simply cannot control the actions of others and if you thought you could, it is your fault for being misguided, mislead, or mistaken.

When you are faced with adversity, which is a natures best teacher, it is better to reframe than to justify or blame.

The sooner you adjust incorrect assumptions about control the quicker you can reclaim your power.

The next time you feel like you about to lose it, ask yourself "What can I control?" to figure out where your energy and attention is best spent.


Control is something that you can never lose no matter how much you give it away.

Take time to practice asking yourself the question "What can I control?" and you will eventually come up with only one answer.

The only thing for certain in any given situation is that you always have control over your attitude.

Your attitude is controlled by your beliefs.

Beliefs are the stories we tell ourselves and assumptions we make about ourselves about others in the world and about how we expect things to be.

We get our beliefs as a by-product of living, they almost happen without much conscious effort in making them.

They were usually something that was witnessed, modelled, or experienced by you when you were younger.

Chances are great that you learned many of them from your primary caregiver, which for most of us is your mother.

Beliefs are like software programs on your computer, written in specific languages designed for different purposes and processes.

The belief programs themselves, just like circumstances and situations are in real life are neither good or bad.

However, these beliefs programs either move you forward or hold you back, help you or hinder you.

How can you tell if you have any belief systems that fall into the category above?

Easy, are you feeling bliss, joy, happiness, love, fulfillment or any positive emotions?

If not, and you are experiencing negative emotions like, guilt, anger, pain, shame or suffering then there is definitely a bad program in your beliefs.

Most of these negative emotions come from having attachments to certain outcomes and situations.

When we feel that the outcome or situation is not in our control then we tend to worry.

If you can control something in a situation then you don't need to worry about it because you can do something about it.

If you can't control something in a situation then you don't need to worry about it because you can't do anything about it.

Worrying about what you can and cannot control is a genuine waste of your precious time.

Each moment and every second the only goal you should be focused on is finding the best way to move forward in your life.

Once you find the area of control that will make the biggest impact towards your desired outcome then focus all of your time and creative energy on it.

The next time you don't like a particular set of circumstances remember that your ability to choose the next best course of action is solely yours.

If you are reacting emotionally to a situation then you are definitely not building your ability to respond.

A great tool to help you develop response-ability and gain new possibilities is to ask yourself "What can I control?"

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