Have You Conquered Yourself?

Sometimes in the heat of battles between people, ideas, and institutions we become lost in the narrow focus of our best efforts. For example we might be so emotionally attached to an specific outcome it can blind us from seeing both reality and the best solution. We might have too much of a vested interest in "being right" or doing things the way we've always done them versus doing something new or doing the right thing.

“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles." --- Buddha

To conquer yourself one must first know them self. Without knowing our emotional tendencies and hot buttons introduces an emotional bias to any situation and is as effective as it would be to put on a blindfold before you go sightseeing. In these situations if we truly intend to produce the most effective and efficient answer, then we need to focus on the parts of the equation that we DO have control over, ourselves.

“Conquering others takes force, conquering yourself is true strength." --- Lao Tzu

High performance is about getting through all the fog that's from your past and stepping into your greatness, the real you. Stepping into your own personal clarity and power allows you intentionally perform in full capacity. It's not about who you were or how you did things before, it is about deliberately and intentionally creating who you see yourself to be.

The process of growing into yourself is really all about the Law of Unfolding.

Read this powerful passage from the 1917 classic the 'Conquering Yourself' manual to gain a better understanding into this Law.

All progress of the individual is a matter of inner unfoldment. Life moves from
within, outwards. The germ or vitality is always at the center, not on the surface. The growth of the tree or the plant, of the animal or the fruit, is not that of adding on the outside, but a supply from the inside.

The individual determines his own position in life, according to the amount of
intelligent effort exerted. It is for this reason, that people NEVER WILL BE EQUAL, because there are those - the majority - who will not work to acquire this Inner Power

You, then, must rank among the Great, or the mediocre.

You have the conscious right to determine who you are at any given moment, no one can tell you who you are. You have the power to choose whether you will remain in the mediocre or rank amongst the great. No one can give this power to you, it is your birth right. However you can build a support team that can help you unlock your potential, and that alone could be all the difference.

During your growth you must constantly remember to exercise patience with yourself. Love yourself. Nurture yourself as if you were an acorn waiting to be fully expressed as a tree. Don't beat yourself up for being a seed, celebrate your unfolding greatness of what you will grow into. Be you. Be great. Make your move.

Did You Claim Your Gift Today!

Did you know the special gift everyone has available to them today but only for a limited time?

The Answer Is: A New Day


This is a beginning of a new day. You have been given thisday to use as you will. You can waste it or use it forgood. What you do today is important because you areexchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes,this day will be gone forever; in its place is somethingthat you have left behind...let it be something good." - Successories Quote

What is so huge, gigantic, top secret, incredible that prevents you from taking a hold of your gift? I challenge you to drop me a line and explore new possibilities.

I want to see you take back your day!

I believe in you. I know there is a new day available to everyone and I'm here to help those who want to wake up to it. Claim your gift today!

Humbled by your greatness,

mailto: successsensei@gmail.com

Are You Accountable?

Many times when we are presented with a new idea, whether it be a new company target, friend/family request, or group goal, it is often stated as in the subject of "we". Two such examples would be "we can make a difference together", or "we can accomplish this goal".

The question is: Does the word "we" have and advantage or disadvantage versus using the words "I" or "you" when it comes to accountability.

The answer: Absolutely Yes, Yes, Yes!

The biggest problem with stating things in the "we" mentality is that it excludes the "I", "you", and "me" from the accountability side of the equation.

The word "we", suddenly becomes the perfect justification for the excuse of "if 'I' don't do it, where it is a job for 'we' or 'us', then I bet somebody else will pick up the ball."

The following short story describes what really happens when we turn our heads and cop out from personal accountability.

This story is about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done, and Everybody was sure Somebody would do it.

Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.

Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.

Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

Are you picking up balls and running with them regardless of who "owns" the problem. If they are on your team then why not?

Excerpted from Mel Gil's book "Uncommon Sense" below is a list of personal accountability excuses to be aware. Try to avoid using any of them as they are all poor excuses for not completing a job and the more often you catch yourself using them, the more aware and accountable you will become.

1. I'll try
2. If ____ then ______
3. I forgot
4. It's not my fault
5. I had no choice
6. I can't
7. I had no control
8. I'll wait and see
9. I don't know
10. It's not my job
11. That's the way I am
12. Nobody told me

The Wonder of You

Deepak Chopra explores the mystery of your body in its growth from a single cell to a symphony of activities guided by an inner intelligence that mirrors the wisdom of the universe. - Featuring Deepak Chopra Author, Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment

Nassim Haramein: Unified Field Theory

If you only watch just one science talk you have to listen to this one. If you are not yet familiar with Nassim Haramein's exciting work, prepare yourself for an exhilarating odyssey into hyperspace and beyond.