Monday Motivating Mindset
This weeks Motivating Mindset will help you live a full and rewarding life.
Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"How am I spending the prime-time of my life?"
Ask yourself this question every day this week and you will become more aware of where your time is spent and how to manage it more effectively.
No matter who you are or where you are, no matter what you do or how you do it, no matter your background or your beliefs we all share one common unit of measurement... Time.
Time is the single most precious resource on the planet. You can drill for more oil, you can pan for more gold and mine for more diamonds, but you can never do anything to get more time.
Everything you do in life requires time to do it yet time can never be replaced or replenished.
Time happens to every one at a rate of one second per second regardless of how you choose to spend it.
It is a fact that you will always find, make and spend time on the activities that you place the highest value on.
However, because humans are usually conscious only about 10% of the time, we often subconsciously spend our time in lower-payoff activities.
Ask yourself "How am I spending the prime-time of my life?" to get a better picture of how you are painting the masterpiece known as your life.
As you ask and answer the question more often you will become more conscious and aware how you are spending your precious time.
Make sure that you are organizing and allocating an appropriate amount of time on your highest value activities.
High value activities are those areas in your life that provide a return on investment for your time and energy.
Such areas offering a return on energy could be a rewarding career, a fulfilling friendship or a rewarding relationship.
Another high payoff activity would be following your dreams, chasing your goosebumps and pursuing your passion.
Time is the only unit of currency that you can use to pay for your high-value activities. No other substitute will work.
Time can only be redistributed from the manner and means in which you are currently using it.
Just like you only have two hands to carry things, and when both hands are full in order to pick something else up, you have to first put something down.
In order for you to open the next door when opportunity knocks you must first close the current door.
Before you can do anything new or get into something, you will have to get out of something else and stop doing the old thing.
Accordingly, you must learn to be productive and proactive about the manner that you allocate your time.
If you fail to plan effectively your matters of time, it is only a matter of time before you are effectively planning to fail.
The goal of time mastery is to continually tweak your lifestyle so that you cut out the areas that no longer support your joy and re-organize your time so it is spent achieving peace, harmony and balance.
Every new moment that unfolds brings with it the gift of choice to move closer towards or further away from this goal.
Ensure that you are only taking on the opportunities move you further towards immediate joy and further away from future regret.
On a regular basis your job is to stand back and take inventory of how you are spending your time.
Sometimes you will have to take a pause for the cause, stop the clock and do some serious soul searching about where you are going.
Life will only start to make sense and feel good when you begin to organize it around the specific goals, dreams and aspirations that you desire.
Evaluating your activities in the light of what is really important to you, is the essence of time-management and the basis of life-management.
Asking yourself "How am I spending the prime-time of my life?" will help you allocate the right attitude towards your highest value actions and activities.
The very act of taking a moment to think about your time before you spend it will begin to immediately improve your time management.
Asking yourself "How am I spending the prime-time of my life?" during three specific times of the day will make your daily motions even more masterful.
The first time of day to ask yourself the question is during the first hour that you are awake.
Some experts refer to the first hour that you wake up to as the "Golden Hour" because it has such a profound impact on the rest of your day.
Wake up and within the first hour ask yourself "How am I spending the prime-time of my life?" to find ways you can become more grateful.
If you have heard of the Law of Attraction you know that like-energy attract the same.
Therefore your efforts of gratitude during the golden hour will set the tone of energy that will return to you throughout the rest of the day.
The next time of day to ask yourself "How am I spending the prime-time of my life?" is during your most productive time of the day.
The most productive time of the day differs from person to person and sometime varies throughout their lifetime.
However, most people know there most productive time of the day because of the way that they tend to feel in this state.
During your most productive time of the day you will be mentally alert, physically poised, energetic, enthusiastic, and ready to tackle anything that comes your way.
For some people this is first thing in the morning, coinciding with their golden hour, for others it will be later in the day after coffee, for others still maybe early evening.
Take notice at what times of the day you seem to be most on your game and mark it down throughout this week.
Once you have a weeks worth of history take a look to see if you can spot the time of day that you naturally reach this state of mind.
Once you have identified the time of day, try and organize your highest payoff activities and actions around this time to ensure that you are working on your best when you are at your best.
The last time of day to ask yourself the question of "How am I spending the prime-time of my life?" is around 7pm-9pm every day.
The time from 7:00pm to 9:00pm is also regarded as "prime-time" and this can be confirmed by your television guide.
The T.V. networks schedule their most popular shows for this time because that is when the majority of people watch television.
Although just because the majority of people do it, doesn't make it right, in fact, spending your prime-time watching T.V. is probably not the best thing to do.
The prime-time of your life between 7:00pm and 9:00pm can be spent a number of ways that yield a higher payoff.
For example, re-allocating watching the T.V. and putting it towards to your family, loved-ones or even yourself is time better spent in the long-term.
You could even use this prime-time of your life to learn a new skill, join a networking or hobby group, or just find some quiet time for yourself.
However in order to get your time management under control you must first decide very clearly upon your priorities.
You must decide on the most important things that you could possible be doing to give yourself the most amount of joy, happiness, and fulfillment in life.
Ask yourself "How am I spending the prime-time of my life?" as often as possible this week and you will be soon enjoying the time of your life.