Monday Motivating Mindset
This weeks Motivating Mindset will help you ensure you are using your imagination the way it is supposed to be used.
Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"How will I use my imagination today?"
Ask yourself this question for awareness into the way that you use your imagination.
When you wake up tomorrow ask yourself the question "How will I use my imagination today?"
The moment you begin to ponder an answer to that question you will begin using your imagination.
Each answer that you "think" of is visualized as a picture or symbol inside of your mind's eye.
These pictures and symbols trigger other pictures and symbols because they are linked together by "emotional association".
This means that when you think of the picture or symbol you also simultaneously experience emotion.
The combined union of thought and emotion produce what is known as our feelings.
The feelings that we have either enable or dis-enable (disable) our success.
This is because the way that we feel determines the way in which we experience the moment.
When we feel a low-energy, non-confident, confused emotional state we hold ourselves back, reserve our energy and tend to withdraw from life.
When we feel a high-energy, confident and enthusiastic emotional state we will always give more of ourselves, succeed easier and be more connected to life.
This is why it is so important to choose to only empower emotions that enable you to experience the moment as "authentic" as possible.
We experience life authentically when we are fully in the moment without judgment or reservation.
Feeling authentic means feeling purposeful, passionate and playful.
We all live to experience more of these moments in life, so why does it appear to be so difficult?
Because we are confused about what we can control and what we cannot.
We spend to much energy trying to control the things we can't, for example other people or foreign countries.
While we fail to try to control the things that we can, for example our attitude, belief system, and most importantly our imagination.
Imagination is the starting point of success, if you don't understand how this occurs you need to re-read this from the beginning.
When you actually understand how important your imagination is, you will ask yourself "How will I use my imagination today?" everyday.
Take time and ask yourself the question "How will I use my imagination today?"
Each one of us was born with an imagination despite the popular belief that people think they are not creative.
Even though the way that each on of us uses our imagination is different, we all have been using our imagination every single day.
However, despite the diversity in ways that we use our imagination, the standard measurement boils down to two things:
We either use our imagination to enable (empower) our lives, or we use our imagination to disable (dis-empower) our lives.
We imagine by associating certain pictures and symbols together and grouping them together based on the way they make us feel.
For example, when you think of the word "Love" you probably picture the word first in your minds-eye.
After picturing the word you then associate that word with a memory, in this case of something that you love.
This picture of what we love then has an emotion associated with that picture.
This emotion embodies the feeling that is associated with the word love.
Providing that we do not have any negative associations such as the experience of heartbreak, before we know it we are fondly reminiscing over memories of a loved one.
Each time we think of the word love this emotional association triggers the memory of the experience almost as if we were experiencing it for the first time.
You only have to picture a loved one in your mind and have the feelings of "butterflies" in your stomach to confirm this happens.
What is amazing is that this process happens in the blink of an eye and we can repeat it over and over again.
Imagine how great you would feel if you took time every day to only think about joyful, passionate, loving experiences you've had?
Recalling cherished memories and re-living positive experiences are just a couple ways that we can benefit from our imagination.
Unfortunately, the same process of re-living the experience occurs for all other emotions including negative ones.
For example, have you ever found yourself in a bad mood just because you pictured someone who makes you mad?
You don't even have to be in the same room as that person before your blood starts to boil right?
Good, bad or indifferent your imagination acts like a switch board, whose job is to summon experiences that support the picture we hold in our mind.
Therefore, your only job in each moment is to consciously create the type of experiences and emotions that will be worthy of re-living in the future.
If you only picture great things coming into your world and learn to see them as great when they appear, then you will create future memories that will be fondly remembered.
You will either use your imagination to empower the creation of positive new experiences or not, the choice is entirely yours.
When you wake up tomorrow ask yourself the question "How will I use my imagination today?"