Monday Motivating Mindset
This weeks Motivating Mindset will discover the secret of how to create more happiness whenever, wherever no matter whatever happens.
Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"Will I cherish the memories I am creating in this moment?"
Ask yourself this question and you will be able to live with less regret and more peace of mind.
Most of us talk to ourselves a lot, in fact we do it day-in and day-out.
We talk ourselves into doing things and we talk ourselves out of doing things.
The problem is that we often get these two mixed up, that is, we talk our-self out of growth opportunities in order to spend our time doing things that keep us playing small.
We justify doing this for various reasons such as fear, lack and keeping within our comfort zone, etc.. but the bottom line is that giving up on dreams doesn't feel good.
One way to challenge your mental chatter, is to ask yourself the question "How can I find a way to cherish the memories I am creating in this moment?".
If you cherish the moments as you create them in the moment then they will become cherished memories in the future.
Yet how many times do we use the moment instead to think about all sorts of personal robbing and confidence stealing scenarios?
One such confidence stealer is worry.
It makes no sense to choose to spend your time in the moment worrying about some memory that has yet to happen.
Will your worrying produce a cherished memory that you will look back on in time and say "yeah, that was time well-spent?"
The answer is probably not because 99% of the time our worries never manifest, at least in the horrendous way that we fore-casted.
Another personal power robber is judgement.
Have you ever wondered where bad ideas and stupid mistakes come from?
There is no thing as a "bad" idea as long as we learn from the experience.
These are just labels in judgement, unflattering descriptions of the events that unfolded.
They all come from our imagination, merely fictions that we create.
What time teaches us is that often what we thought was the worst thing to happen to us was really a blessing in disguise.
Asking yourself "How can I find a way to cherish the memories I am creating in this moment?" will help you see the blessing faster.
How often do you have to ask yourself the question "How can I find a way to cherish the memories I am creating in this moment?"
The answer is only as often as there are moments, only as consistent as you want to be empowered in those moments.
There is a moment every second, there are 60 seconds to a minute, 60 minutes to an hour, 24 hours in a day, 30 days in a month, 12 months in a year.
The standard measurement of these unique moments are what's known as experiences.
What type of experiences and unique moments did you cherish this year?
Our experiences accumulate as memories, which ultimately shape and influence our future experiences and memories.
How can you use the cherished memories of last year to influence the memories that you want to create this year.
The moments that make up the existence of our reality pass by for everyone equally at the rate of one second per second, what we do with those moments is what separates us all.
If you are 30 years old today, then since you were born you would have accumulated 3,153,600 hours worth of potential memories, how have you used them so far?
Many people feel that they are forced to accept people, places and situations, basically that they have no choice.
Thinking that you never have a choice is always an illusion because you always have a choice.
We may not like our choices and in some cases we may even be restrained from "physical" action in a situation.
However the choice that always remains is your attitude about the present moment.
You have a choice to decide if your attitude resists the moment or goes with the flow.
The biggest skill you can teach yourself is allowing the present moment to unfold in a symbiotic and loving way?
When you learn to adjust the attitude on the fly, your life will begin to become easier, lighter, less stressful.
"When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going" is a popular song originally recorded by Billy Ocean in 1985.
It is also an over-popularized cliché quoted by mentors, managers and motivators.
Basically it means that when situations in life become difficult, strong people show their strength by rising to the occasion.
The next time you are caught in a situation that you would rather not be in, before you take action ask yourself "How can I find a way to cherish the memories I am creating in this moment?" and then "get going"!