Monday Motivating Mindset
This weeks Motivating Mindset will help you overcome limiting beliefs and build unstoppable confidence.
Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"How did I grow today?"
Ask yourself this question every day and you will gain confidence, momentum and belief in your own abilities.
Just before you go to bed today sit down in a quiet place and ask yourself the question: "How did I grow today?"
Paying attention and acknowledging your own growth is a very important skill that you must develop.
After all, only you have a vested interest in your own growth, after all, no matter where you go you'll be bringing yourself.
Unfortunately for whatever reasons, talking about and celebrating growth is a massively over-looked life skill that is not often learned.
Instead we are often taught to conform to the norms and told not to brag or show-off.
Have you ever heard this phrase said right after a compliment was given to you?... "Don't let it get to your head now!"
It's like we aren't allowed to enjoy our celebrations for too long or else it makes us a bad person.
We avoid attracting attention to ourselves to avoid looking conceited, cocky or over-confident.
As a result many of us grow up not knowing how to properly work with positive praise or how to learn from criticism.
This then leads us to experience growth as difficult, a struggle that remains for only positive people to pursue personal growth.
When it comes to living your life you are doing it such a way that is either helping you grow or die, and the best part is the choice is entirely up to you to decide.
Choosing to grow move you towards your hopes, dreams and the life that you know is possible for yourself.
Ask yourself "How did I grow today?" to map and track your rise to the top.
Look for strengths and successes that were revealed throughout the day, if needed keep a pad of post-it notes near you throughout the day.
Write down any challenge that you overcame, any problem that you solved, advice given, advice taken, or anything that you see as growth.
Find a journal to record all your observed strengths, achieved goals and documented growth.
Your "growth" journal is an invaluable asset in gaining self-confidence and building momentum.
Before you go to bed for the night take a few minutes and journal the answer to "In what ways did I grow today?"
List the ways that you grew today, find at least one way each day and as you get better try and come up with at least three ways per day.
Before you start your day in the morning take a minute to reflect in your journal and take notice of yourself as an amazing being that's always growing.
Celebrate your previous growth, strength and life lesson's by reading and remembering them.
Picture your previous successes in detail and remember how it felt to succeed, feel it as if it were happening again.
From that elevated state of emotion you can begin to tackle your day and any challenges that come along with it.
Whatever the result at the end of the day take a moment to record your new observations and successes.
If you commit to doing the steps laid out in this success cycle you will gain massive confidence within only a couple weeks.
Your self-esteem will improve as you repeatedly write and review the recent victories had over your challenges.
The more you stick to the simple process above the more capable and confident you will see yourself.
Ask yourself "How did I grow?" as many times as possible and watch yourself grow exponentially.
When asking yourself "How did I grow today?" it is important to remember that growth doesn't always come from winning first place.
Your growth can also be derived from experiences taught from nature or lessons learned from strangers.
Growth often comes from unexpected places, a perfect example of this is your mistakes.
Many people think that growth only comes from acing tests and achieving goals, but failures can help us grow equally, if not more.
The absolute truth is that true growth can come at any place by anyone at anytime, it is only our judgement about the situation that negates the opportunity.
Read that last sentence over again because it is huge!
Every single one of us we're meant to enjoy the experience of our lives, but the single biggest problem for all is that we get in our own way!
The good news is that if you are responsible for being your biggest problem, then you must be equally equipped to provide your best solution.
To become a solution you must first take an honest look at how you are choosing to "grow" right now.
How are you spending the moments of your day, are they spent in ways that allow you to grow?
Are you choosing to move forward in your life on a moment-by-moment basis?
Are you aware that every single moment can and will reveal the path to your joy?
The trick to allowing the path to unfold is to first perceive yourself and your world with full unconditional love.
In order to learn from your mistakes you must be willing to let go of any attachments, expectations, or beliefs that don't serve your highest self.
This is undoubtedly the hardest step for most people to do, primarily because humans have a tendency to judge or label every single situation.
Instead you need to find a way to love yourself no matter who you are, who you were, what happened, what might happen, what should have happened, etc.
Always remember that when it comes to growth, it doesn't matter when, where, or how you start, the only thing that matters is you start.
When people realize the truth, beauty and simplicity of growing they even fall in love with their imperfections.
This symbolizes the first step on a never ending journey back-to-bliss as an unfinished masterpiece in the making.
After you've fallen completely in love with yourself you start to count both your wins and failures as growth opportunities.
You realize that you are always on purpose and that every moment offers the ability to increase knowledge and improve yourself.
What's even better about the whole process of growth is that you don't have to learn all the mistakes yourself.
The ability to learn from the mistakes of others is the magic bullet train to shortcut your fast track to success.
Do you have a support team such of mentors, heroes, coaches, mastermind groups, business partners?
Find people that hold the vision of your higher self for you at all times, eliminate naysayers and negative people at all costs.
This is your life to grow and you can choose who you want to enjoy that process with.
Asking yourself "How did I grow?" alone or in good company is the quickest path to a successful life.