Monday Motivating Mindset


This weeks Motivating Mindset will empower your everyday living.


Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:

"What truly improves my life?"


Ask yourself this question and you will fast-track your path to success and happiness.


The New Year always brings with it many hopes for new directions to take, old dreams to pursue and overall improvements to make.

If you are looking to make improvements to your life the first question to ask yourself is "What truly improves my life?"

If you feel down on your luck, with no energy to motivate yourself and improve your life than you are normal.

In fact, when it comes to people there is something that over 70% of the population has in common, that being, the propensity to settle for less than they deserve.

In Canada and America for example, nearly 7 out of 10 people work 9-5 jobs just to pay the bills!

But if you work just for the money, you may be rewarded by the ability for physical fulfillment, that meaning the access to physical goods and tangible services.

However without passion behind your payroll, your chosen work occupation will not provide any spiritual, emotional, or mental satisfaction.

Said differently, people are spending 1/3 of their lives doing something that provides them with 1/4 the fulfillment in their lives.

To make matters worse, the 1/4 that money can provide doesn't always work out to be the case, many people go to work full-time, or have two jobs and cannot still meet their expenses and commitments.

If this is the case, then you could look at it in the way that people are spending 33% of their time in an area that produces less than 25% of their happiness.

This is a major problem since we seek to experience fulfillment on all four of these levels in order to feel balanced, in harmony and successful.

When it comes to improving your life you must consider all four levels to lived a balanced life no matter what category you are trying to improve.

How can you be more emotionally, spiritually and mentally involved with your work to help balance out the equation?

When you are finished finding and testing ways to improve your results in one area then it is time to move on to another "category" of improvement.

Some common categories that people choose for improvement include: Health, Wealth, Relationships, Personal, Career, etc..

Asking yourself "What truly improves my life?" will help you brainstorm a more balanced approach in existing areas and also improve the overall categories that contribute to your success and happiness.


Improving your life is really about being able to get better results in the existing areas of your life.

There are many ways to improve your life, but they all start with a choice to do better in order to get better results.

You must empower yourself to make better choices by understanding the power of your attitude towards any improvements you wish to make.

If you believe the change(s) will be hard, long and difficult then guess what, you are right!

Alternatively, if you choose to believe that the change(s) will be easy, fast and effortless then guess what type of experience you will attract.

As Henry Ford once said "Whether you think you can or think you cannot, either way you are right."

The question "What truly improves my life?" will help you brainstorm areas that will truly make a difference.

If you come up with lots of different areas for improvement than you will want to stick to just one or two at a time.

The best way to focus your time and attention is to ask yourself: "What area of my life, if changed for the better, would make the biggest impact to improve the quality of my life?"

Once you have determined a good area to focus your efforts and before you go to work to change it, consider the following questions:

"How does this improve my life?"

"What will this improvement add to my life that is missing now?"

"If the proposed idea doesn't work, how can I tweak it to still make improvements?"

Asking yourself these questions will give you a little bit of insight as to whether or not this improvement will work out as good as you imagine it would.

There are two things that have consistently improved the quality of life for people throughout the ages.

One of those things is "technology", and it's ability to allow us to do things more effectively and more efficiently.

Technology is a car that enables you to get from point A to point B faster. Technology is an e-mail that you can use to communicate with others in the comfort of your own home.

Technology will continue to improve life if implemented with care and consideration. What is the purpose of the technology? What is the technology enabling for you?

With the right research technology is something that has the potential to improve lives.

The second thing that has improve the quality of life for people throughout the ages was once described in a Beatles song.

The title was "All You Need Is Love" and it is a fitting title for the universal secret for improving lives for everyone involved.

When you do some thing out of love then the rest of your life will tend to fall into place as well.

An example of this is the famous artists, musicians, actors and athletes that make massive amounts of money doing what they love.

Passion or a love for what you do is only equalled by the purpose for which you do it.

Doing something you enjoy for yourself is good. Doing something you enjoy for yourself that benefits others is even better.

Your purpose in life is to find some place, some thing or some one that you are passionate about.

In order to zero in on your passion, ask yourself the question "What truly improves my life?".

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