Monday Motivating Mindset


This weeks Motivating Mindset will make you feel love and gratitude.


Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:

"What do I have to be grateful for?"


Ask yourself this question as many times as possible this week and you will be more grateful about your life's situation.


The first step in counting your blessings is to write down all the things you have to be grateful for.

Before your start this exercise you may think that you don't have a lot in particular to be grateful for, if so you will definitely be surprised.

Start by finding a quiet room away from any distractions.

If you live in a busy place and cannot get complete silence then either wait to do this until you can, or just do the best you can.

You will also need a pen/pencil and note pad of paper, or a journal would be even better if you have one.

Next ask yourself out loud "What do I have to be grateful for?"

Think carefully, take your time and don't let yourself off the hook when it comes to answers.

One way of doing it is to brainstorm as many ideas that come up for you in a five or ten minute period.

Then you would take the ideas you generated and filter them into the type of gratitude expressed.

For example: People | Things | Other

People: Write down all the people that have made a difference in your life.

Things: Name at least 5-10 things that you enjoy doing on a daily basis.

Other: This could be an area where you keep track of miscellaneous things like "feeling grateful for being able to be a great dad"

Take five or ten minutes every day to jot down any new items on this list.

Be selective and choosy of what you put on your list, if you don't feel gratitude don't feel pressured to put up a convincing answer.

It is important to feel the feelings of what you enjoy, as if you were truly enjoying them in the present moment.

The above step is critically under-rated to the success of your ability to manifest using the Law of Attraction.

If you don't feel gratitude when you first do it, there is an extremely slim chance of manifesting more gratitude.

The reason for this is because like attracts like, thoughts become things, and what you focus on expands.

Therefore, if you feel grateful, think about being more grateful, you will inevitably attract more reasons to be grateful.

This is such a straight-up and simple-to-implement strategy for changing lives you probably are wondering why so many people don't it?

Because we seem to want to make things difficult for ourselves by default.

To make things go smoother in your world, start by concentrating on the things you feel grateful for.

Ask yourself the question "What do I have to be grateful for?" to brainstorm ideas.

Keep this list near by you and continue to add to it as you remember more things to be grateful for.

If you are feeling down and out and experiencing a bout of low energy, a great resource you to help "pick you up" is this list or journal.


The secret to feeling truly grateful for a person, situation or thing is in the way that you express appreciation.

A great question to follow up with the first question is: "How do I express appreciation?"

In order to express appreciation you must first know what exactly you are thankful for, which means taking inventory of your blessings.

The good news is if you have done the work in the first exercise, you will have already written down a lot of blessings.

Now that you have a list of things that you feel grateful for, the next step is to ensure that whatever that is on that list feels appreciated.

Nothing feels better than feeling valued and appreciated, so consider it as the outcome when giving others feedback.

If you are really grateful for a loved-one or friend then consider when the last time you did something special for them to let them know.

We often don't show appreciation or express our true feelings until it's too late, make it a point to not let this happen this week!

You can also show you appreciation for material items, even though a lot of people might think different.

Contrary to popular beliefs it is ok to appreciate material wealth and material goods, in fact the more you appreciate them, the more you get back!

There is nothing wrong with appreciating material items, as long as you make sure that you show gratitude for them by taking care of them properly.

For example, you can not say that you appreciate being able to drive if you never change the oil or perform maintenance on your vehicle.

The currency for showing your true appreciation is your undivided attention.

Attention is energy and when focused is the most valuable and priceless gift that we can offer.

How would any one of your relationships feel if they could have an extra dose of a fully conscious and present you?

Try donating your complete and undivided attention to a loved one as a no-strings attached gift.

See if you can focus your attention for just twenty minutes. How about an hour? Can you make it a full day?

If you aren't sure what to focus on, you could start by showing appreciation of the common things we take for granted:






When it comes to spending your attention there are two trains of thought:

A. You can spend your attention on the tried and true avenues of appreciation, the sure winners, perhaps if they like chocolates or flowers.

B. Another effective method to spend attention and show appreciation is simply by asking the recipient: "I'm here to help, please tell me how"

Notice in the last example it isn't "asking" whether or not you can help, that is too often rejected, but rather you are going to help!

Last but not least is it important to show appreciation to the person that we all have in common.

That is, of course, always no matter what above and beyond all instances, remember to respect and appreciate yourself.

When you put yourself into a state of gratitude your frequency changes, which changes your thoughts.

Change your thoughts, change your feelings, change your actions, change your life.

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