Monday Motivating Mindset
This weeks Motivating Mindset will help you live with more purpose.
Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"What do I want to change in the world?"
Ask yourself this question everyday until you find an answer, and then ask it everyday after that to make sure you stay the course.
Everywhere in this world there is change.
We exist in a world where change is the only thing that is constant.
So if change is the only constant, then ask yourself, is it a good idea for you to have a constant approach to life?
Said differently, does it make any sense to try and stay the same in a world that is forever changing?
Of course not, yet isn't that exactly what we do when we spend all our time and attention thinking, feeling, and doing things the same way?
We call the preference to view life from the perspective of the mind our "identity".
Our identity is a collection of attitudes, biases and beliefs systems that we construct our view of the world with.
Some peoples identity is compatible with their reality, while the majority of other people's paradigms hold them hostage.
The desire to maintain our identity can keep us from fully embracing change.
However when it comes to accepting, handling, and dealing with change, including our ability to change our identity, Henry Ford had the best answer when he said...
"Whether you think that you can, or think that you cannot, either way you are right".
Is your current view of reality getting the job done?
Are you happy with the world that you live in?
If you are not happy, a great question to ask yourself is "What do I want to change in the world?"
Humans have all been given unique problem-solving powers beyond any other biological being on Earth and yet still we complain.
Out of all the unnecessary things in this world, nothing is more annoying than a person who continually grieves and grumbles about their problems.
Why? Because we have been given a mouth to vocalize opportunity, eyes to seek out solutions, and a body to bring us forward into action.
Our ability to reason, analyze, interpret, intuit and imagine are unprecedented and unparalleled in the animal kingdom.
These gifts have been bestowed upon every one of us living on this planet and far too often these go unnoticed and unused.
Everyday we have a choice, to either become part of the problem, or choose (even by default) to become part of the solution.
Not many people are prepared to do what they need to do today, in order to make a better tomorrow possible for them self.
In order to be the change you are meant to be in the world you need to follow your passion, find your power and live your purpose.
"You must be the change you seek in the world." --- Mahatma Gandhi
Now is the time to speak your truth, create your community and be good to each other.
Do not look outside yourself for your leader, become a mentor to your self and to others, lead by example.
As U.S. President Barack Obama suggested during one of his inspirational presidential candidate speeches, "we must become the difference that this world needs."
The Ancient Hopi Prophecy tells us that "We are the ones we've been waiting for."
There are many opportunities to get involved in your area, community, country or even continent.
One possible way to get started is by visiting where there they ask the question "What do you want to change in the world?"
Change does not happen by itself. You cannot change the world without first changing yourself.
We are all connected and no person can exist independently as an island unto themselves.
Yet for some reason we tend to think we are alone, isolated, and independent from the need of others.
But if you become sick, get hurt, or have an accident, don't you need some one else to take care of you?
A lot of people have grand intentions to save the world who cannot even save them self.
If you want to change the world you must change the view of your self.
The ancients taught us that "In order to heal others you must first be healed yourself, that "Healing Yourself IS Healing others".
Incidentally like all good things in life, this must be practiced to completion in order to understand it.
When you have completed healing yourself there will no longer be a world in need of healing rather a world of absolute perfection.
Free to live your life without fear, guilt, regret, or shame. Now you can reconnect with the purpose of why you are here in the first place.
Each one of us was born for a reason, whether that is to be an answer to a question, or a solution to a problem.
The next time you are alone ask your heart the question: "What do I want to change in the world?" and see what comes up for you.
Have you recently stopped to reconsider Where you are living, How you are living, Why you are living and What you are doing with your life?
What could you begin to change today that would result in the largest improvement to the quality of your life and/or those surrounding you?
Changes can happen on many different levels such as in social institutions, in the social behaviour or the social relations of a society, community of people, and so on.
When behaviour pattern changes, in large numbers and is visible and sustained it results in what is referred to as social change.
Among many forms of creating social change are theater for social change, direct action, protesting, advocacy, community organizing, community practice, revolution, and political activism.
What would you change if you knew you could make a difference?
Would you change the way people eat, work, play, think, feel, act, laugh, live, love?
You might wonder if you, your friends or a small group of people can possibly make a difference in such a large and complicated world.
"Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed citizens to change the world. Indeed, it has never been done otherwise." - Margaret Mead
You have the power within you to be the difference that makes the difference.
Even though you may not be aware of it, at any given point in time you may literally be the proverbial "straw that breaks the camels back", or the deciding factor.
An example of such simple things that can make a difference are: a smile, a warm hug, a candy, a toy, a note, a poem, a tune, an encouragement, a meal, gift, or gesture.
It is these small and seemingly unimportant things that add up to make significant changes in the overall outlook of the people surrounding us.
This is important because a significant deviance from culturally inherited values may result in a rebellion against the established system.
Isn't it amazing to think that your efforts could ultimately lead to the change in society that we have been looking for?
If you choose to, you can, and do, make a difference.
Once you decide to make that choice the next question to ask yourself is: "What do I want to change in the world?"