Monday Motivating Mindset
This weeks Motivating Mindset will inspire you to surround yourself with the kind of company you can be confident about keeping around.
Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"Who should I be hanging around with?"
Ask yourself this question when allocating your time to friends and acquaintances and you will soon become more aware of the company you keep.
The people who you choose to surround yourself with play more of a role on your future than you may first realize.
Ask yourself the question "Who should I be hanging around with?" to take an inventory check on your intimate friends.
This question should gear your thoughts towards "why" you hang out with the people you do versus "who" the people actually are.
For example, do you have friends that are there for you through thick and thin, both good times and rough times?
Do you have friends that inspire you to chase your dreams and go after your goosebumps?
Do your friends help you realize a bigger vision of yourself?
How have your friends made you feel competent and capable lately?
Even though we all have the ability to think and feel independently on our own accord, the people that you surround yourself with still play a major determining part in your life.
From the moment that you wake up and continue on throughout the day you are surrounded by the energy of family, friends and even co-workers.
The energy that you feel from other people stems from the individual "agreements" that have made in each relationship.
Most of your agreements are formed and acted upon subconsciously, which is to say that you are not even aware that you formed them or of your behaviour.
One example is the many parents that unconsciously play an "overly-nurturing" role to their child.
They have formed an agreement that subconsciously states that they are the nurture providers and the child is the nurture receiver.
Nurture can be a good thing, however, when the parents form an "identity" about the role they play over the years this will lead to two things:
1. It will make the parent always feel the need to protect or provide for their child and they might lose some of their sanity when the child leaves home or no longer needs their help . i.e. Empty nest syndrome.
2. It will make the child subconsciously feel the need to be protected and/or provided for by their parents and very possibly manifest into issues of responsibility in their own intimate relationships.
So even though the intention was pure and formed with love the relationship agreement has since become dysfunctional.
Roles and agreements themselves are not inherently good or bad, the problem is continuing to believe and subscribe to them without questioning their effectiveness.
A dysfunctional agreement, role or relationship is one that no longer serves or supports its main purpose.
In a functional relationship both the conscious and subconscious agreements should be in alignment with helping fulfill your greatest dreams and desires.
Do the roles and responsibilities of the people that you hang around most support your highest aspirations? Do you support theirs?
What do you love most about the company that you keep?
By asking yourself "Who should I be hanging around with" based on your highest aspirations will make you more aware of allies you can align yourself with to assist in your achievements.
Do you plan or aspire to be wealthy? If you answered yes then you better have wealthy friends!
Did you know that researchers estimate that you will earn an income the equals the average amount of your 5 closest associates?
Said differently, people tend to make the same average income of the people that they spend the most time with.
Are the people that you surround yourself with people that are worthy of your time?
The trick is to do anything at all possible to avoid people that belong to the "same-old'" crowd.
These are the people who you meet up with every so often and each and every time you ask them what's new and exciting they answer "the same-old".
You must avoid these people like the plague, not because you are better than them, but because they don't really want to see you happy.
It is not that they don't want to see you succeed because they might, but subconsciously to them if you are anything else then what you are now then it means a change to the relationship agreement that they have with you.
If you change the person that they knew and were used to then your relationship agreement would be different, and for most people change is scary because of fear of the unknown.
Don't let other peoples self-limiting beliefs, doubts and apprehensions determine your future, make it a point to surround yourself with the best team possible.
Either your friends are pulling you up to their level or they are dragging you down to theirs.
Do your 5 closest friends inspire you, make you laugh, or offer an insistent hand to help achieve your dreams?
Said differently, do the people you choose to surround yourself with help you move towards the "biggest" you possible?
Is that so hard to ask for and too unreasonable to expect?
Are you blessed with friends that are there for you every time, every day without question and without fail?
If you already have friends like this make it a point to go out now and celebrate the value of their friendship because it is priceless.
If you don't yet have friends like that no worries, make it a point to find at least one person to build a brand new amazing and supportive relationship with before the years done.
The good news is that the value of one positive and supportive relationship greatly outweighs the effect of several negative and non-supportive relationships.
There are many ways that you can meet like-minded people and farm for those fabulous new friendships.
One way is by joining a local offline group such as found on where you can find people near you with the same interests and hobbies.
Another way to connect with people is by joining an online group, such as found using an Internet search on "yahoo" or "google" groups.
Alternatively, you could find someone that you admire or that is doing something that you'd like to learn more about and reach out to connect with them.
Ask if you can help them, assist them, volunteer your services in return for them to mentor you.
One last idea for finding that supportive relationship to nurture your dream is to find and work with a Life Coach.
A coach can help you get in touch with your values and what is really important to you before you spend the time and energy to attract new friends.
Like energy attracts like energy, so if you are a miserable person chances are your friends are too because who else would want to put up with you?
With a simple shift in attitude you can begin to attract amazing new abundant friends and acquaintances into your life.
It is your responsibility to "be" the type of friend that you yourself would love to be friends with and be around.
In some relationships you might be the jester or joker, always playing pranks and keeping people laughing and having fun.
In other relationships you might take on the role of being the brain, the analytical thinker that always has thought provoking questions.
Yet in another relationship you might play the role of cheerleader, encouraging and motivating others to do their best.
These are only some of the various examples of roles that you play in your relationships, there are many others so try and discover the ones that work best in your relationships.
Ask yourself the question "Who should I be hanging around with?" to uncover gaps in your circle of friends and to find missing pieces of the puzzle.