Monday Motivating Mindset


This weeks Motivating Mindset will help you appreciate yourself more, attract healthier relationships and be an overall better person.


Your mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself: "Would you date yourself?"


Ask yourself this question and you will gain a more accurate reflection of yourself and a better understanding of your fears.

Next time that you have a few minutes alone to think ask yourself "Would I date myself?"

You might be wondering the relevance of this question if you already have a significant other but, regardless of relationship status, a careful consideration of this question can provide insight into what you contribute to your relationships.

If you answered "Yes" that you would date yourself, then the next question is why? What kind of reasons came to mind that make yourself a worthy prize?

When taking a personal inventory the answers you learn might even surprise you!

Could you fall in love with yourself? What traits of yours are you most proud? Are you a constant source of support? What about your communication skills? Are you always finding good things to comment about your significant other?

Do you find yourself thinking "I wish my partner..." or "If only my significant other...."? If so, these might be the best signs that you need to look in the mirror first.

"What would you change/improve if you were dating yourself?" "What specifically do you love about yourself?" If you aren't excited about dating yourself then how do you expect anybody else to be?

It is important to note that your partner or significant other must also agree with your self-assessment. If you think you are the worlds best communicator and your partner thinks otherwise, then any adjustments made would be based on a false assessment and thus likely prove counter-productive.

A relationship should for the most part be 50/50 in terms of contribution. What strengths do you contribute? Do they equal your share of the 50%? How do the strengths that you identified help make the relationship strong in your partners opinion?

Use what you've learned from this exercise to build on your strengths and identify any areas where you might have the opportunity to provide more value in your relationships.


Looking at yourself through an open and honest mirror requires courage and willingness to see yourself objectively in a new way.

It is the mark of a true leader to be able to acknowledge their shortcomings and build upon the strengths that they recognized for.

If for some reason you cannot uncover any areas of improvement for yourself then look at the areas of resistance, friction and conflict in your relationships.

In what situations do you feel most uncomfortable? Pay attention to your discomfort because there is always a hidden gift within.

Your discomfort often shows you the areas in your life that you should review and revise any belief systems that no longer continue to serve you.

"What do you need to improve within yourself so that you become a more effective attractor of your desired results?"

Put yourself in the other persons shoes, see things from their perspective and appreciate the gift of awareness as an opportunity to be the change you want to see in the world.

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