Monday Motivating Mindset


This weeks Motivating Mindset will help you get to the bottom of any unwanted behavior.


Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"Why do I do what I do?"


Ask yourself this question whenever you wonder what is at the root of your behavior.


No matter who you are, or where you live, there is only one measure of success; to be able to live your life in your own unique way.

We all have different ideas of what life as our "ideal" self looks like, but, how many people live up to their own personal standards?

Certainly by the evidence one can see that it's not the majority of people in this world.

Yet, we can all safely contend that no one "intentionally" wants to end up unhappy and not their ideal self, so what happens along the way?

We all have a built-in "ideal-self" meter, which means we know deep down inside if our actions align with our highest vision, or at least we know when our current lifestyle choices do not fulfill our deepest desires.

Research tells us that as many as 7 out of 10 people are working in their jobs "just to pay the bills" or "out of necessity".

If we could fast forward our lives to where we are unhappy, miserable, mid-life crisis, we would learn that sacrificing our self for money is a complete sell-out.

Yet how many of us are doing these right as we speak, saving the excuse their diversion from purpose is a learning experience.

Why not challenge yourself to start this learning experience earlier? How about striving to experience learning who you truly are?

Besides, is it not more a necessity to be who you are and to find a way to prosper from just being?

How would you like to pay the bills by being yourself?

How would you like to do what you loved and get paid for it?

Well yes you can, in fact it's not only your birth right, you can start moving towards it right at this moment.

It's called being in unison, and it means you are living your life authentically, answering your calling, discovering your true purpose.

It's exactly why people like Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey, Rachel Ray, and Jimmie Johnson don't work to get paid.

These people wouldn't consider doing what they love as work, they would do it regardless of whether they get paid. This is important.

All these people do is express themselves, live their passion, and they are remunerated and rewarded accordingly. Handsomely, we may as well adds well.

So what is the secret, why is the case of people living in their unison the more exception rather than the rule?

Ask yourself "What really prevents me from living my life authentically?"

Identify and commit to what you will have to do differently to make any changes happen.

Remember, nothing in your life will change until your behavior does.

Therefore, in order to change behavior you need to know why you behave that particular way to begin with.

We are all like computers and our behavior are like software programs.

At any time you can install and update old software versions with new more relevant replacement beliefs.

A good question to start probing into your behavior is to ask yourself: "Why do I do what I do?"

Give yourself permission to explore, and don't be afraid to discover the underlying causes of undesirable behavior.

Be patient with yourself and dig deep until you've found the root.

When it comes to living authentically, and fulfilling your deepest desires, it is never to late to start and always too soon to quit.

The only thing worse than a quitter is a person who is too afraid to begin.

Start today and begin by asking yourself the question: "why do I do what I do?"


The billion dollar question is why do you behave in the way that you do?

If you don't know exactly why, then how do you ever expect to change, or correct your behavior?

Isn't that like playing a game that you have no idea about the rules?

Try playing chess, tennis, hockey, baseball or any game for that matter completely ignorant of the factors that you can control.

Chances are you would spend all your energy, attention and focus in areas that would bring you little reward or gain.

You would be making errors and mistakes left right and center, and the worst part is you wouldn't even know why.

Now you can see why so many of us are walking around frustrated about effecting positive changes to our behavior. We don't know the rules of the game!

In order to effect positive change to anything in your life you first need to know how to control human behavior.

So what do you really think determines human behavior?

Is it our circumstances? No, we are all dealt with a different hand, it's not the cards but how we play them that counts.

Is it our skill? No, because experience shows that success is due less to ability than it is to attitude.

Is it our parents? No, because our behavior can go either way, we can be alot like them, or a lot not like them.

Is it our personality? No, our personalities reflect our behavior as opposed to changing it.

Is it our habits? No, even the worst habit can be replaced with a more empowering one.

What determines human behavior then?

Ok... if you're stumped let's approach the situation from another angle by asking some other questions:

"If you knew a quicker, safer, hassle-free way to improve your life would you go that route?"

Yes, of course. So your driving behavior is only limited to the navigation system of the driver.

How about "if you knew how to lose weight effectively would you take it and apply it"

Chances are yes, and you would use this knowledge to alter your eating behavior.

What if "you could find out the money blocks that are holding you back from abundant prosperity, would you want to know?"

Again, the answer is absolutely yes! You would immediately apply these lessons to make more money flow into your life.

Would you then also agree that the only reason that you are earning your current level of income is because you don't know how to make more?

Obviously, because why would anyone still choose to make anything less?

No one would. Just like if you knew how to make a billion you wouldn't settle for earning a million. At least Donald Trump and Warren Buffet wouldn't.

So what is the main ingredient that is in all of these above scenarios?

The answer is knowledge. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is the application of information.

Wisdom is the experience of that knowledge.

Therefore, it all begins with an idea, or new information being inputed into the brain.

"Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions" - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

With better information we make better choices right?

Better choices lead to better beliefs, better decisions, and stronger action.

Our actions repeated over a period of time is what we call behavior.

Information is what allows us to change our behavior and replace our habits.

Awareness is the first and most important step of changing any behavior. You cannot change what you are not aware of correct?

Once we become aware of something that we want to change, we can use that information to make adjustments.

What do we use to make adjustments? More information of course.

Everyday you are either moving towards or away a more authentic life for yourself.

How you recognize, accept and change the information will determine your degree of success in life.

An amazing way to ask for more information to come into your life is through quality questions.

The question to ask yourself to begin with is "Why do I do what I do?"

Write your answers down, discover your triggers, your interests, your conscious contradictions.

The Wonder of You

Deepak Chopra explores the mystery of your body in its growth from a single cell to a symphony of activities guided by an inner intelligence that mirrors the wisdom of the universe. - Featuring Deepak Chopra Author, Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment

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