Monday Motivating Mindset
This weeks Motivating Mindset will help you cut through the confusion, push past procrastination and propel you to peak performance.
Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"What is stopping me from getting started now?"
Ask yourself this question at every obstacle, roadblock and dead-end that you come across and you will experience big breakthroughs.
Close your eyes right now and picture something that you really, really, really want.
Close your eyes again and don't open them until you can clearly picture what you desire.
Once you have a definite picture in your mind ask yourself the question: "What is stopping me from getting started now?"
There will be many different reasons why you aren't getting started, but chances are high they fall into two categories of answers.
One, you will either come up with the answer that you don't know what you want, or two, that you know what you want but don't know how to get it.
If you came to the conclusion that you don't know what you want that is impossible because every human on this planet has hopes, dreams and desires.
Just because up to this point in your life you aren't "consciously" aware of any of your goals doesn't mean that you don't have any.
We all have a purpose on this earth, you wouldn't be here if this wasn't true because the Universe operates on the Law of Cause and Effect.
There is a cause that is deep seeded inside yourself, a unique solution that only you were brought to this planet to express.
Throughout your live your goal whether accepted it or not is to become more like the person outside that you envision inside your mind.
That means, being the quality of person that you and only you know that you are capable of unfolding into.
Sadly somehow along the way though the majority of us become overwhelmed or frustrated with the process and give up growing.
Little do we realize that all the challenges were put in the way on purpose, to create the value of achievement and accomplishment.
In fact, if you were able to instantly manifest your biggest goals, wildest dreams and ultimate desires then those targets wouldn't be very valuable.
When there is no risk then there is no challenge, and when there is no challenge it equals a very poor payoff.
This is because when you achieve a worthy goal you are rewarded by the chemicals produced in your brain that make you feel happy, content, fulfilled.
Therefore, every hope, dream, desire and goal must have an inherent degree of risk associated with accomplishing it.
The bigger the perceived reward the more risk and challenges those courageous and brave are willing to go through to make it happen.
The next time you are faced with a challenging goal or project ask yourself:
"What is stopping me from getting started now?"
Have you given up on your hopes and dreams because of a story that you have been telling yourself?
We tell ourselves stories that usually start with I would love to____________ and then end with "if only", "but because" or "but I can't".
We tend to re-enforce and justify these fictitious stories with real life emotional examples and experiences that tell us we are right about giving up.
Consequently these stories separate you from your true desires and continue to keep you playing small.
If you have conclusive evidence, experience and examples of why your story is "true" why not take a brief moment to only pretend for a moment that it wasn't.
If the story you've been telling yourself has not been true then ask yourself: "What is stopping me from getting started now?"
The bottom-line basic truth whether you like it or not is that nothing is stopping you from getting started right this moment except yourself.
Even if you cannot complete the full task you can certainly move confidently in the direction of your dreams and desires inch-by-inch.
List everything that needs to be done, break the tasks down into more manageable chunks and then tackle the most important ones first.
When it comes to accomplishing anything, achievement expert Brian Tracy says "by the yard it is hard but inch-by-inch it's a cinch"
Therefore the most important skill in manifesting your dream life is learning how to get out of your own way and just get started.
Deep down everybody wants to feel worthy, deserving, loved and lovable.
Each member wants to contribute to causes that are close to their heart and be respected in the lives of loved ones.
Have you ever stopped to think how is it that we can end up so far away from these goals? What truly stops us from doing what we want to do?
Asking "What is stopping me from getting started now?" will uncover any areas that you might need to work on.
Once you find out what is stopping you from getting started you must focus all your time and energy into solving it.
If you are procrastinating, confused, or feeling alone, then realize that you are completely normal and that we all do it out of fear.
Fear is something that we all experience and is the number one block that stops us from getting what we want.
Some common examples are fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown and even fear of looking foolish.
However if fear is what we all have in common then what separates the top-performers from the under-achievers must be their ability to deal with and overcome fear.
From now on whenever you start to feel the fear holding you back, then you should immediately regard it as a sign you must forge ahead.
Whenever you reach a barrier to your success you must not give up and instead learn how to climb over the wall.
We tend to think that nobody has ever experienced anything quite like the challenges we personally have been through.
However consider that despite your physical structure and experiences being unique, you have the exact same physical and mental capacities that anybody else had in history.
You were born with the same problem solving prowess that people like Galileo and Gandhi, Napoleon Bonaparte and Napoleon Hill had.
Think about that for a moment, no one ever knew for sure how to achieve any of the great accomplishment in the history of the world.
Sir Edmund Hillary didn't have a "Climbing Mount Everest For Dummies" to guide him step-by-step up to the summit.
No one "knew" how to get to the moon, it was something so monumental that it had truly never been done before.
The truth is that your problem, even if your problem is figuring out exactly what your problem is, has most likely already been solved by somebody else.
That is why 12-step programs like Al-Anon are so popular, simply because they show people that they are not alone with their problems.
A great idea is to find a friend who has experienced something similar, a mentor you look up to, or a coach that can act as an unbiased mirror.
With a success team in place and armed with all the ability you'll ever need, trust yourself to come up with the answers when you ask yourself:
"What is stopping me from getting started now?"