How to "Life Coach" Yourself
How to Life Coach Yourself and Take Back Control of Your Life
There are many different books, audios and movies regarding The Law of Attraction . A great deal of the material covers the laws that govern this principal, but not too many talk about how to govern the mental state that allows for the LOA to work. Yet without the proper mental game to match your intentions, no force in the world, including the Law of Attraction will help you.
So instead of concentrating on areas of manifestation where you powers are not strong, i.e. the 'how-to' details, and controlling other peoples actions, why not gain control in the areas of your life in which you actually have influence. The area to focus on that will bring the most noticeable results the quickest is your attitude. Improving your attitude is the first step in attracting your dream life.
How to Improve Your Attitude in 6 Steps
If you want to take control of your attitude, here's a simple six-step process to do it:
Step 1. Get clear what your attitude is. If your results reflect your attitude, then its probably pretty clear what thoughts, beliefs and vision are creating your current reality.
Step 2. Understand how your attitude is affecting your altitude. This might require some information from a trusted advisor. This could be your mastermind group, coach or by listening to audio programs on other successful people.
Step 3. Write out on an index card with what the desired attitude is that will achieve your desired altitude. Start by gathering clues from other’s who have achieved that kind of success. You might want to emulate their attitude.
Step 4. Practice your new attitude. When situations come up, try on the new attitude and notice you react differently. Make up a “new story” about the situation based on your new way of seeing things.
Step 5. Evaluate your results. What’s different? How is it working? Do you need to further refine your attitude for a great altitude shift? Do you need more support from your trusted advisor to reflect blind
Step 6. Continue the cycle. This is not something you do once and forget. No way José. This is a process you continue over and over again, each time getting closer and closer to the gold. Take a minute out of your day today to implement this new strategy and tomorrow you will be in a better space tomorrow.
Learn more great ideas from Calgary Life Coach Russell Small by visiting his website:
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