7 Feng Shui Tips to Create Space for You

7 Feng Shui Tips to Create Space for You

by Vicky White www.LifeDesignStrategies.com

1. Create physical space - the easiest way I know to declutter is to take everything out of a space, whether it's a closet or a room, and put back only what you want. Put everything in boxes or into another room or put all the clothes on your bed, clean the space and be very deliberate
about what goes back in.

This is how I attracted my present career - I had an intention to discover what was next for me, but my office had become the room where all miscellaneous things got put and I started avoiding going in there. I took everything out, painted and cleaned and only put back what I
loved. I can still feel what it was like to sit in my new office with no clutter and an empty desk.

Within 2 weeks I came upon an article about coaching, discovered Thomas Leonard was coming to Vancouver, and started my coaching training.

Are you ready to commit to decluttering a specific area of your home or workspace? When will you do it? Even if it's 20 minutes a day, you'll soon feel the results.

2. Take time every day to do nothing. Start with 15 minutes. If you really have a hard time just being, start with something mindless, perhaps walking in nature. Let your mind go free. I like sitting in my favorite spot in my home and just watching what comes into my mind. I've
learned to have pen and paper handy. It's as if those thoughts just slip in there in the gap I've created and I need to be alert to catch them.

Set the scene for inspired actions. Take some time in the morning to sit quietly and connect with your intention. Then ask yourself, what action could I take that would have the most impact in moving me towards my intention? And listen to what comes up. Sometimes it takes a bit of
practice, especially if this is new. Be alert for ideas that come to you during the day too. Inspired actions are those that raise your energy and bring the greatest results. And to be inspired needs space.

3. Change your environment. I regularly take myself and my journal to Starbucks and I don't even drink coffee. There is something about sitting in one of their comfy chairs with my journal and my thoughts that brings out my creativity. I have no idea why this works as it's not a quiet place but I've given up trying to figure that out.

Take a Cafe day to just sit and watch and be with whatever comes up. It may not be Starbucks for you, just choose a neutral environment where you can hang out with yourself. And do take something to write your inspirations on.

The other thing I do is go to a friend's cabin by the sea for a few days once a month by myself. No phone, no TV, no internet and none of the things around me I think I 'should' be doing when I'm at home. It's a retreat for me and an opportunity to check in with myself. I usually do
some reading, some writing, some walking, some taking photographs. No 'shoulds'. I always feel inspired there.

4. Enhance the Career area of your home. The Career area is about purpose and authenticity. Enhance this area to: * Find a new job or change your career * Receive a promotion
* Discover your dreams * Reveal your life purpose * Find stimulating volunteer work

Remove anything that represents work you disliked or anything that doesn't represent your career or life intentions. Enhancements for the Career area:

* Healthy plants
* Water fountain or aquarium
* Items in black and midnight blue
* Images of moving water (not crashing waves)
* Symbols of your present or desired career - such as books if you want to be published, a magazine cover you've put your name on if you would like to be interviewed by them
* A mirror behind a water fountain or plant to double its effect
* A wave machine or sound machine with sounds of water

You can place enhancements in the career area of your home and in the career area of various rooms, especially a home office. It doesn't take a lot to make a difference in Feng Shui.

To find out where the Career area is in your home see: Bagua Map

5. Let go of the guilt and know that to be your best and be there for your loved ones (and yourself) you need to give yourself the gift of solitude from time to time.

6. Paint a wall, move the furniture - even a small change will create a shift in energy and support you in making changes in other parts of your life.

7. Take time in nature - take your journal and spend time listening to the sound of nature, one of our greatest teachers.

To connect with yourself, takes some disconnecting. Try it and discover how you enhance your well-being and all aspects of your life.

Action Step:

What is one thing you can do today to take some space for you?

Take some time to get clear about your intention to live your life on purpose and do what you're here to do. And remind yourself real selfishness is living a half baked life where you are not totally there for anyone, including yourself.

(c)2007 Vicky White - All Rights Reserved

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