Monday Motivating Mindset
Apply today's Motivating Mindset and you will gain the power of clarity and control.
The Mindset challenge I am proposing this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"Who am I" as well as... "What do I want"
Ask yourself these two questions every day for this week and the promise is that life will move you closer to your answers.
Asking the question "Who Am I?" and "What Do I Want?" are two fundamental questions that everyone should ask themselves yet most people avoid.
The biggest roadblock in-between people and their desires in life is their inability to ask for it.
Wayne Gretzky said "you always miss 100% of the shots you don't take" and when it comes to your wants, you never get what you don't ask for.
When it comes to asking what you want in life, try not to over-complicate it.
Begin by asking yourself, "what makes me happy?" and "out of all my strengths what do I enjoy most?".
These are merely clues to what you want in life, it is your job to fully investigate where the answers lead you.
The only way you can investigate the journey of your happiness is to know who is travelling with you.
The only way to know who is travelling with you is to ask yourself the three worded question: "Who Am I?"
Yet the majority of people in the world neglect to answer this question until it is no longer possible to ignore it.
The reason most people fail to ask themselves this question is because they fear the answer.
Some fear that the answer they find will cause them to feel like weak, inadequate, misunderstood or maybe even like a mistake.
So they avoid asking themselves this question and pretend to live in balance and harmony without it.
Which paradoxically begs the question, "how can anyone be in harmony and balance if they are not getting what they want?"
This is equally ponder-some when people say they are getting what they want and yet they don't care to know who they are.
Believing you know what you want in life without first knowing who you are seems a little backwards don't you think?
It's like a Dog trying to Meow because he thinks it would make it happy, yet can't perform to it's level of desire because the expression of such is not programmed into its genes.
When the dog realizes that it is a dog it will stop trying to make itself happy trying to conform to it's previous perception of itself.
This is why it is important to understand what you want most in life as well as knowing who wants it.
The question "Who Am I?" brings perspective into your life and the question "What do I Want?" will bring control.
Control gives you confidence.
The more control that you feel in your life means the more confidence you will act with day-to-day.
Perspective is having vision.
Gaining perspective is like a rising plane because of the ability to see things in a bigger scope and anticipate future problems.
Without control you will never gain perspective.
Without perspective you will soon lose control.
It is just as important that you get perspective as it is to gain control.
Ask yourself these two questions and give yourself permission not to know the answers right away.
Believe and know that just by asking the questions the formulation of the answer will inevitably arrive with persistence.
Remember to keep an open mind about the delivery of your answers, they never come typed up in an address envelope with your name on it.
Answers are found in synchronicity, coincidences, chance occurrences and what some refer to as blessed events.
Your answers are out there, all you must do now is seek and thou shall find.
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