Monday Motivating Mindset


This weeks Motivating Mindset will get more serious about having fun in the game of life.


The Mindset challenge I am proposing this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:

"What would you trade for $50,000?"


Ask yourself this question after every activity or challenge you do every day this week and the promise is that you will be well on the way to discovering your purpose and living your passion.


When you wake up tomorrow, ask yourself the $50,000 dollar question: "What would I trade for $50,000?" and see what kind of answers your mind comes up with.

First off your mind will typically try to determine the value of the offer in question... In this case how much is $50,000 worth to you?

Your mind may or may not think that $50,000 is a lot of money depending on your background and how much money you earn a year.

For example, if you earned a million dollars a year then $50,000 may seem like a little less money than to a person who earned $20,000 a year.

However, when determining what to trade for the $50,000 your mind will come up with logical answers, such as you are willing to trade any monetary amount under $49,900.

Why not trade $49,900 for $50,000 if you can make a profit off $100 right?

In fact it makes dollars and sense to trade money for money as long as you make money right?

But what about when it comes to trading $50,000 in exchange for non-monetary items?

What personal belongings of yours would you trade for $50,000?

Would you trade your eye-sight in for $50,000? What about an arm or a leg?

How about just a thumb or your big toe?

If you are like most people you probably realize that it doesn't make much sense to trade ANYTHING of yours for $50,000, especially a body part that you use often.

If you wouldn't trade $50,000 for any body part of yours then ask yourself this question...

"What would you trade for your life?"

You may agree that what your life is worth cannot be replaced in monetary terms, in fact there is no amount of money that can replace the value of your life because it is priceless.

So why have you been asking yourself this seemingly straightforward question?

Because what you have done with your yesterdays and what you plan to do tomorrow is exactly what you have been trading your life for.

Since you began your first job, entered your first relationship and accepted your first agreement you have been trading your time in for the wages and emotional returns that you have received.

Have you been trading your life in for $50,000 per year? $500,000 per year? How about a few million dollars every year?

It isn't your yearly revenue that is important but the reflection of happiness, joy, excitement and wonder that the way you spend your time brings back to you.

It is senseless to trade the priceless emotions of your life for any amount of money which is why it is so important to align your heart with your mind and follow your passion's in life.


To gain more instant insight into your attitudes, behaviours and habits ask yourself...

"What am I trading for life right now?"

Look at your results, your lifestyle, your behaviour, your relationships, your finances, your investments and your risks.

Be honest with yourself... is this how you pictured life could be? Are you excited to trade your time in today for exactly what you are doing with it?

If you had one day to live, would you continue to do what you were going to do today? Would you continue to do the same thing you plan to do this week, this month or this year?

When you realize what you have been trading for your life next ask yourself, "is it worth it?"

If it is worth it keep doing what you are doing and know you can now act with added confidence that you are doing what you enjoy and love.

If it is not worth it, stop and ask yourself, "what would I rather be doing with my life?" and then immediately resolve to work towards making that the guiding force in your life.

Do what you love and love what you do and stop treating time like its worth what you paid for it.

We may not get to choose how long we get to stay as tourists on this shiny blue planet but we have every say as to how we choose to enjoy our visit.

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