Monday Motivating Mindset
This weeks Motivating Mindset will help you lift burdens, clear clutter and feel lighter.
Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"Am I tolerating this situation by default?"
Ask yourself this question every chance you can and you will pave the way for massive changes in your lifestyle.
Take a quick moment and ask yourself right now, "What am I tolerating?"
This is the same question that was posed as a Monday Motivating Mindset many months ago.
Just in case you have forgotten or aren't sure what a toleration is, the definition we are using is:
A toleration is any person, situation, or action that you put up with that you really don't need to.
A toleration is an undesired consequence, an unfinished agreement or simply a situation that needs re-framing.
This weeks mindset is a derivative of that question, "Am I tolerating this situation by default?"
People get caught up in the illusion believing that they have little or no choice to way they've been doing it.
The problem for most people is that they convince themselves that they need their tolerations to begin with.
The next time you find yourself facing a continual roadblock or swimming against the current ask yourself:
"Am I tolerating this situation by default?"
The feeling that you are swimming against the current is a sure sign of a toleration.
Life is meant to be sailed downstream and tapped into the flow of abundance.
If you don't feel tapped in then it is because you are blocking the flow of it.
So how do you get out of your own way when you are blocking yourself from joy, love and happiness?
You do it by first realizing that the blockage is due to a toleration that is based on an assumption.
What belief system, attitude or approach can you let go of in order to go more with the flow?
Tolerations zap our energy whether we consciously realize it or not.
Tolerations are unresolved demands on your attention, energy and focus.
They can be as simple as tolerating a squeak in the door or neglecting to repair a leaky faucet tap.
Tolerations can also include our relationships with other people, the standards we uphold and the work we do for a living.
Over time people tend to settle in their comfort zones, challenge their beliefs less and gain more tolerations.
The next time you find yourself stuck in a situation you don't enjoy ask yourself "Am I tolerating this situation by default?"
Often the only reason a situation is allowed to endure is the assumption that answer is difficult or even impossible.
For example, a friend recently confided that she finally finished tolerating her old shower head and finally put on a new one.
Before fixing it the shower head would often unscrew and water would launch into the air everywhere.
Even though her and her roommate had already purchased the replacement shower head, in other words already possessed the solution to the problem, it was just not implemented.
When queried why she didn't change it sooner she admitted her assumption that changing over the shower heads would be a long and hard job.
Apparently the shower fixings looked like they were stripped or at least appeared very difficult to take off.
Fearing that there would be problems when removing the old shower head she settled everyday for an annoying shower experience.
However, one particular day the inevitable happened again while taking a shower and the head came off and the hose sprayed everywhere.
Tolerations can only last so long and in this case it was the proverbial straw that broke the toleration.
Finally, after having enough of the daily morning mayhem she grabbed the old fixing with her bare hands and started to unscrew it.
To her complete surprise the fixing came undone easily and without any hassle.
Then she was able to replace the brand new shower head and was showering new and improved again in mere moments!
Most importantly this whole process occurred without all the anticipated fuss and work that she previously worried about.
After enjoying the next couple days in the shower she realized that not only did she avoid the negative feelings associated with a leaky shower head, but she actually felt an increase in her happiness.
Was it because she no longer had to silently account for all the emotional energy that came with the old shower?
Or maybe it was because she could enjoy her morning showers with relaxation and the added benefits of the newer style nozzle.
One thing is for sure is that the next question that she wondered out loud was "why did I put up with this for this long in the first place?"
People often put up with unfinished and unresolved actions that could be addressed with just a little time, effort and attention.
We often walk with a limp because we are taught or convinced to, but when we learn to stand tall and take everything in stride we find out we are even more capable then we first thought.
Ask yourself "Am I tolerating this situation by default?" to find out where you can gain some precious energy back.
At the very least what will happen when you brainstorm an answer is that you'll start to attract new information and experiences that will lead you to a higher perspective.
This is important because the higher your perspective in life the less that you will tolerate in your life.
The truth is the only limits that exist are the ones that we hold ourselves down with.
Ask yourself "Am I tolerating this situation by default?" in order to stretch your perspective to the sky and never settle for less.
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