Monday Motivating Mindset


This weeks Motivating Mindset will help you weld the power of your mind.


Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:

"What is the value of my attitude right now?"


Asking yourself this question as many times as possible will inevitably increase the value of your attitude.


Ask yourself this question "What is the value of my attitude right now?" immediately when you wake up tomorrow morning.

Take time to reflect what the value of your thinking will produce at the end of the day.

The value of the seeds you plant now is the potential quality of the harvest you'll reap later.

The thoughts that you allow now will lead to the feelings that you have later.

The feelings that you have later will govern your future actions.

Your actions are the bridge between your results, meaning if you want anything you are going to have to do something to get it.

Therefore if you want to be of value, produce value and have a valuable day it all starts with your attitude.

Ask yourself "What is the value of my attitude right now?" to ponder the compensation you might get for your thoughts at this moment.

Do your thoughts make you feel like a winner or more like a loser?

Does your attitude make you more confident in the long run or ultimately more insecure over time?

A good healthy attitude is one that you can question time after time because your true motivations will be mapped within your spirit.

Only your higher-self knows the path to happiness and joy and you can only follow that path by listening to your higher-self.

The biggest challenge is that your higher self speaks very softly and often not at all.

Your lower-self, your ego, knows how to say the right things at the right time to manipulate you.

Ask yourself "What is the value of my attitude right now?" to see if your thoughts are coming from your higher or lower self.

The answer that you get back will be in the form of your feelings.

Thoughts from your lower-self will leave you feeling less worthy and deserving.

On the other-hand, thoughts from your higher-self will make you feel like taking inspired action!

Always be aware that both possibilities and potentials exist inside of you at all times.

Through the power of choice we decide whether to adopt an attitude with increasing or decreasing value.

Ask yourself "What is the value of my attitude right now?" to ensure you are exploring the situation in a way that will truly benefit you.


The best way to determine whether or not something is beneficial is with a question, and that is:

"What is the value of this attitude in the future?"

What will continuing to think this way do over time?

If you have an attitude that makes you feel small and insignificant how will that effect you in a month from now?

If you have an attitude of lack that keeps you financially challenged how will that effect you in a year from now?

If you have an attitude that produces a continual feeling of guilt, shame, of anger what would that attract back to you?

The human body is like one giant magnet, and we also know that when it comes to magnets, like attracts like.

The mechanics behind this phenomenon is what's widely known now as the Law of Attraction.

Many people are starting to realize that the truth is that you do attract the incessant thoughts and dominant feelings held within yourself.

The Law of Attraction will attract back to you the value of the attitude that you are choosing right now.

In the future you will be living the circumstances in which you attracted previously, so think wisely.

Ask yourself "What is the value of this attitude in the future?" as a starting place for positive results.

If you could look back a month ahead from this point today, what would you say about the value of your attitude about things were?

With your conscious choice you have the ability to increase the value of something just by paying attention to it.

Paying attention to something with the intention of adding or increasing value is referred to as "appreciation".

The focus of your attention should be on appreciation, coincidentally the most valuable use of your time in the moment.

These moments of appreciation will naturally begin to compound together and over-time this will become "momentum".

When you focus your attention on appreciating the moment you set the next moment for more to be appreciative about.

Momentum is simply the feeling that your past efforts were made with the intention finding appreciation for every moment.

Ask yourself "What is the value of this attitude in the future?" to see if you are setting yourself of future failure or success.

With continual practice you will begin to hear the soft whispers of your higher-self more clearly and more often.

Use the new voice in your head, the true navigation system to lead you to the promise land of your highest intentions.

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