Monday Motivating Mindset


This weeks Motivating Mindset will help you live with more peace and love in your life.


Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"Am I a lover or a fighter?"


Ask yourself this question and you will become more conscious of how you radiate emotion and energy in your environment.


If you are looking to find more love in your life, a great question to ask yourself is... "Am I a lover or a fighter?"

Re-stated a bit differently, the question could be asked as, "How do I contribute to this world, through cooperation, or coercion with others?"

Do you add joy in the world, or do you contribute to the anguish?

Does your heart pump stronger than your fist?

Do you make the people around you feel idolized or intimidated?

If the former is the case versus the latter, then indeed you may be a lover.

Why is being a lover important?

First of all, being "a lover not a fighter" is not just a good idea referenced in the lyrics of a Micheal Jackson song.

Here's why... Each and every moment of our lives, every single one of us are faced with a question.

Although this is a single question, the outcome that results from how this question is answered is as varied as the individuals answering it.

Everything that you see in the world, the love, the war, and the indifference, was created out of people answering this single question.

The one question that we continually are challenged with is whether to create out of fear, or to create out of love.

When people create, do and act out of love, the power of their passion reflects the bliss and beauty of life.

If you ever watched Tiger Woods play golf or listened to Pavarotti sing opera you would see a demonstration of this.

Other examples of the transcendental quality of beauty of nature when created out of love are expressed through classical art, music and poetry.

You are instantly connected when you come in contact with energy that has been molded from the fabric of love.

To feel love, or as some refer to it as, to feel God, satisfies our innate desire to experience everything in this world that is wonderful and great.

Therefore to feel "good", which basically just adds an extra "o" to the word God, also refers to seeking this connection to supreme source.

Feeling good, feeling God and feeling love should be the answer that you choose to express at all times.

The way to remember where the focus your creations resides is by asking yourself the question "Am I a lover or a fighter?".


Human beings are energetic entities, which means that we are all made of energy and we require energy to survive.

You probably learned, if you remember way back that in school, that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

However, what you probably weren't taught is that not all energy was created equal to begin with.

Some energy appreciates and supports our lives, while other forms of energy deplete and depreciate our lives.

Many people inadvertently feed on energy that depreciates their lives because they don't know any better.

For example, if you constantly watch the news, participate in rumours or gossip, or spread negative stories.

The energy that it takes to maintain those acts above should give you an indication of whether the energy is good for you.

It is important to pick good sources of energy because there is no getting around the fact that we need it.

Human beings are complex energy systems that require different types in order to function and feel good.

For example, we require food in the form of carbohydrates to fuel our physical self. If you don't eat in 3 weeks you'll die.

We require energy in the form of sleep and oxygen to regulate and maintain the mental aspects of our self, for things such as analysis and calculation.

The energy that our emotional self feeds on comes in the form of feelings, and the feeling that trumps them all is love.

Love is an emotion that makes the giver, the receiver, and even the observer, feel more powerful as a result of its expression.

Being able to express love and feel powerful is important to everyone because of one very special reason.

People inevitably tend to go where there emotions (feelings) take them, and not necessarily in the direction of their dreams.

Therefore, to get better results in life what we need to continually practice learning is how to experience more love.

By developing a loving relationship with your emotions you will develop your intuition and feel like you are able to follow your dreams.

The decision to act from love is so powerful that it can manifest instant change and bring about expressions like peace, harmony, and joy.

Just imagine how the world would be if everybody loved what they did for a living and felt blessed to be able to do it?

How much better would the world be if people did things because they loved to, and not just because they had to?

A world like this is not too far from the reality that we live in now, in fact it is only as far away as your imagination puts it.

To start living with more love, begin by imagining yourself putting more love into your day, your actions, and your daily interactions.

Check-in with your intentions by asking yourself the question "Am I a lover or a fighter?"

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