Monday Motivating Mindset
This weeks Motivating Mindset will help you get out of your own way in order to open up the floodgates and let your wildest dreams rush in.
Your Mindset challenge this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"How can I be more allowing?"
Ask yourself this question whenever you meet resistance in your life and it will help reduce your discomfort and attract more success.
Most people are familiar with the Law of Attraction made famous by "The Secret", but did you know there is also a Law of "Allowing"?
Don't worry, you are not alone, if you haven't heard of this important universal law.
Yet, those who have heard of it, and applied it into their lives, are happier, more fulfilled and seem to instantly attract whatever they desire into their lives.
Would you like to know how to tap in to the law of allowing in order to bring better results more quickly and easily into your life?
If happiness, joy and abundance is what you really want, then you need to take a moment and consider the question "how allowing am I right now?"
Do you allow others to be who they are? Do you fight against their beliefs? Do you think that if one person gets their way, that you can't get yours?
How often are you in opposition to the situation? In what ways to you "resist" the people, places and things in your day?
Look at any areas of resistance in your life as prime indicators of areas that are in need of more allowing.
Whenever there is resistance in your life, there will also be accompanying negative emotions.
Resistance is like putting on the emergency or parking brake while trying to drive. Sure you can still drive with it on, but the performance of the vehicle is greatly diminished.
The problem is that many of us fear what we truly want, which is why we put on the brakes to begin with.
We ask, pray, and intend for our desires to be manifested and right before they are, we say "whoa wait-a-minute", "hold-on", "stop".
We think, who am I too have this? Why do I deserve this? Am I even worthy enough?
Meanwhile, the universe is trying to give you whatever you want, but you are stating to it through your actions that you are unsure if you want it.
Then, when you finally decide that you want something, you decide that you want it yesterday!
However, no matter how skilled or resourceful you are there is always a time lag between the original conception and the manifestation or achievement of the goal.
Then when it doesn't show up today, you begin to doubt and question whether or not you can even attract it.
A vibrational state like this places counter-thought, and counter-intention, into whatever your trying to attract and acts like a parking brake to your pleasure.
No matter how much you work, and work, you will still not succeed, because the effectiveness of your action is dependent upon your state of being.
This is important to understand, because the more time you put into being against anything, the less time you have to spend bringing positive things into your life!
The creative process takes time! Allowing what is wanted, essentially keeps your attention on the wanted thing, and off of the fact that you don't have it yet.
Imagine if you could find a way to take your foot off the brake and live life full throttle?
Understanding the law of allowing is easier than you think, but it is the practice of what you know where the challenge lies.
The most important thing to remember is that whatever you focus on will expand into more of it.
If you spend your time, energy and attention focusing on the "resistance" the "disagreement" with whatever is, you are creating a vibrational state to bring you more of the same.
Therefore it is of the utmost importance during the process of manifestation that no matter what happens you remain committed to focusing your energies on that which you intend.
This keeps your vibrational signal oriented in the right direction, and allows you to rendezvous with the people and resources that match up with you.
By not resisting the wanted thing you allow the law of 'like attracts like' to work in your favour.
The law of attraction is able to work more effectively when you don't resist the wanted thing and allow the process to take place, whatever it is.
Do you truly want whatever you want... or are you more concerned about the process in which in manifests?
If you don't care how it comes, only that it eventually comes, then allow your thoughts and feelings about the process to relax.
By relaxing into your creative process you strengthen your intention and become a more powerful attracting magnet for the things you want, and a more effective co-creator.
For example if you want to be more wealthy and you thought it was going to happen via the lottery, and you ended up getting a promotion would you be upset?
Think about this story and how it parallels in your life. What in your life do you say that you want more of, but are too 'attached' to the details of how it happens?
If you truly desire whatever that is then you will want to spend your time and effort on allowing more.
Even after you bravely recognize the need to become more allowing, you still may get lost in the contemplation of exactly how to do that.
One of the easiest ways to learn is to simply ask yourself the question: "How can I be more allowing?"
The art of allowing means you believe it is possible to have challenges, yet at the very same time be absolutely in love with life and excited about the world.
In what areas of your life can you become more allowing?
Can you become more allowing in the relationships you have with your friends, family, co-workers, or even your ex's?
More importantly, it what ways can you be more allowing with the most important relationship of all, the one with your SELF?
Are you your own best friend? How often do you practice allowing yourself to fail, learn and grow without judgment?
Based on the way you have treated yourself for the past week, would you be your own best friend?
If you and your best friend were working together on a project together, would you want them there to support you, or hinder your progress?
The choice is an easy one, of course you would want them in your corner to support you.
The question is then, "Are you offering the best support to yourself as your own best friend?"
Every day that you wake up you are responsible for being a partner in the biggest and most important project of all, your life.
Are you offering the best support to yourself when you criticize or complain about something?
Are you offering the best support to yourself when you doubt the creative process?
Are you offering the best support to yourself when you constantly notice what is missing in your life?
Are you offering the best support to yourself when you question why you don't have it yet?
Are you offering the best support to yourself when you spend time blaming or judging people, including yourself?
Are you offering the best support to yourself when you carry around all your failures and mistakes from the past?
Are you offering the best support to yourself when you feel low energy and negative about something?
Are you offering the best support to yourself when you offer resistance to whatever shows up in the moment?
These are only 8 of the many ways that you can check-in with your self.
Use them to determine how aligned your thoughts and actions are with your intention.
Is it possible that you need to learn how to be more allowing, accepting and/or forgiving?
Are your thoughts, feelings, and actions in vibrational harmony with what you seek to attract?
If you seek to support your self then it is vital to maintain a pure creative vibration aligned precisely to your desire.
The law of allowing works hand-in-hand with the law of attraction, meaning whatever you place your attention on you get more of.
As mentioned earlier, if you focus on something positive, something that you are passionate about, related opportunities come to you.
When your thoughts, your focus and your intent are exclusively on what is wanted, you feel relaxed, joyful and lighthearted about the goal.
Paradoxically, the more joyful you are, the less hard you have to work, and the more powerful and effective are your actions.
In short, allowing is the aligning of your vibration with that of your desire.
A great question to ask yourself to be more in the moment and go more with the flow is:
"How can I be more allowing?"
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