Monday Motivating Mindset
This weeks Motivating Mindset will make you look at yourself in a new light.
The Mindset challenge I am proposing this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:
"What would the new me do?"
Ask yourself this question during every personal challenge this week and the promise is that you will laugh more, love yourself more and learn to relax more.
If you are quitting a habit or building a new lifestyle ask yourself "What would the new me do?" in order to see yourself in a new light.
Seeing yourself in a new light is important, especially if you are interested in personal development and self-improvement because you are most likely self-critical.
This means that you are constantly critiquing your own actions, behaviours and results against a standard that you've set for yourself.
Whether you are conscious of it or not, you have a certain standard of performance that you measure yourself against in all areas of your life.
For example your relationships, health, finances and career are only some of the areas that you hold yourself accountable in an effort to improve yourself.
We try to improve our self because deep down we are all good people that just want to be loved, to love and to contribute to something better.
Yet for a however many possible reasons our lofty goal doesn't get realized and we somehow end up feeling scared, alone and afraid to live.
Somehow we are not able to find the self-discipline, the strategy for success or the willpower to stay the course.
But what exactly happens to our best intentions that have us ending up in self-sabotage?
What happens is we tend to think about all the mistakes, the failures the missed opportunities of our past, present and future.
We tend to think about things that don't empower us, and think about our self in ways that don't empower us.
Even in brand new situations we tend to associate our old negative sense of self.
For example someone might not think they are good at talking to people, based on years of their old negative sense of self reminding them of all their failures.
No matter how many new people this person meets they essentially pre-determine their future by imagining a negative outcome.
Even in a situation where the feedback was positive this person would tend to dis-associate any feedback that doesn't resonate with this negative self-vision.
This likely applies to many situations in your life, and if this is you, today's question will help you build a new database of positive experiences.
All you have to do is look for the good in everyone and in every situation and you will attract more of that to you.
For every situation you're in this week (including those that are frustrating or seem completely negative!) write down what is good about that situation.
When you do this notice how it immediately changes your perspective and opens up your mind to new possibilities.
Today is a new day, and instead of allowing yourself to think negatively think about your higher self, your ideal self.
Once you have a picture of the ideal person you want to be then ask yourself "What would the new me do?"
If you are quitting smoking, be present with the craving to smoke and ask yourself, with this craving... "what would the new me do?" and then make a decision from the person who has X amount of days smoke-free.
You are powerful and you can change any habit you want to, instantly if you have a strong enough desire.
It is in the moment and from each moment-to-moment that our destinies are shaped by our choices.
Whenever you encounter a situation that you are emotional about or find yourself reacting to, try and think about your ideal vision of yourself.
Picture you in all your future glory and greatness and from that state ask yourself "What would this new me do?"
Can you picture yourself in the future, one month from now, one year from now, five years from now?
How about when you are picturing yourself in the past, yesterday, last year, when you were young?
Are you able to appreciate and accept all of your memories?
Are you passionately creating new and exciting memories?
When you picture your past or future self are you receiving attention, affection and adoration?
Or do you tend to criticize yourself, beat yourself up, or think that you should have done something different, if only...
Regardless of whether it is your past you are thinking about or your future you must learn to think about it positively.
The best question to get yourself in this new mindset is: "What would the new me do?" and then think from that state.
One of your greatest challenges in life is to be able to uncover the wisdom in every situation and apply the new found lesson to help you grow.
Where we go in the mind we follow in the body and where we cannot go in the mind we rarely go in reality.
For example, if you cannot picture yourself in a relationship with a certain person you probably wouldn't be in one with them right?
Yet on the opposite spectrum of visualization you got dressed this morning didn't you?
Well chances are you pictured the outfit you are wearing at least once before physically dressing yourself in it.
The visualization of your future self in a positive light is critical and important.
When we picture a happy, joyful and playful future we put ourselves in a positive state.
Then, by virtue of The Law of Attraction, we attract the same situations as we were visualizing our future.
Remember you are a masterpiece in the making and your future is constantly unfolding something new... if you only allow it!
Apply these ideas immediately to your thought process this week and instantly watch your new found future unfold!
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