Monday Motivating Mindset


This weeks Motivating Mindset will add energy and happiness to your life as quickly as you can apply it.


The Mindset challenge I am proposing this week is getting in the habit of asking yourself:

"What am I tolerating?"


Ask yourself this question throughout the days of this week and the promise is that you will manifest what you do want faster, attract better situations and favored opportunities will arrive more freely.


If you are ready to clean and clear out old stagnant energy that is holding you back and ready to move in fresh new energy to support you then you will want to read on carefully.

Today's tip is all about identifying and becoming aware of the things in your life that steal your energy.

The only way to build your own energy up is to first learn how to reserve and grow your own energy.

If everytime you encounter a situation you automatically react rather than respond than the situation is a toleration.

Take a moment to reflect over all major aspects of your life, areas such as your career & job, personal & spiritual fulfillment, family & relationships, health and wealth.

Look over these different parts of your life and remember to ask yourself the question, "What am I tolerating?"

As you find answers to this question you will likely begin to generate either feelings, be with the feelings and write your experience down in as much detail as possible.

Try to be kind to yourself and avoid the tendency to immediately place judgement on your situation.

Looking over sometimes sensitive areas of your life can make you feel both positive and negative, mixed feelings are common.

Identifying mixed feelings will also help you uncover areas of your life that you are tolerating.

Simply put, a toleration is the big and little things you put up with in your life without realizing how much they are costing you.

An example of a toleration could be the numerous sticky notes that might be plastered on your desk, in your day-timer or on your fridge.

Everytime you look at one of those post-it notes, whether you specifically read a message or not, you have expended some mental energy.

One might not think it's a big deal, but throughout the day this subliminal sign language steals your precious energy acting like a perpetual to-do timer.

Each time you walk by it interrupts the moment you were in to signal to your subconscious, here is a "to-do", and "look-at-this", "this could be important"!

You then have a choice to either re-read the message again for the x number of time, or choose to ignore the note until it catches your attention next.

Unaddressed post it notes, unfinished projects, unwanted interactions and even unspoken words can remain hidden in background of tolerations.

Then out of no where they seem to break up the moment you were in prior by taking your time and attention to re-address something you continue to not address.

Whenever a tolerations allows you to lose the moment you also lose energy and cannot gain "momentum".

If you want to build yourself up and become the person you know you are capable of then stop the vicious cycle of energy and attention spent unnecessarily.

Honestly, openly and seriously ask yourself "What am I tolerating?" and then be prepared to do some habit renovations.


Not sure how to uncover your tolerations?

Take note of all your thoughts and feelings and be sure to record any ideas that come up for you during this exercise.

When you think about how you spend your time and what your day composes of where does your energy seem to soar skyward and where does your energy sink down?

For example an area of joy in my life is my love for long baths and hot morning showers, therefore just thinking about a bath or a shower could potentially add excitement to my day.

However, I've recently noticed that my energy can also sink down when thinking about showers when I recall the details of a particular water test I viewed.

This test demonstrated how the chlorine, a chemical used to treat the water, is pumped into the water system of the city I live in and is immediately subsequently sucked up by human skin.

Of course this demonstration didn't make me feel excited about showering anymore, in fact, I sometimes shudder at the thought of how much chemicals I've absorbed.

Bombarding chemicals into my body is not a positive feeling, yet it is a choice I must consciously make everytime I draw a bath or take a shower.

So for me a major area of joy in my life has now somehow become a dangerous deal and to solve the problem I must purchase a special water filter for my shower head.

Easy right? Easy minus the fact that cleaning and clearing tolerations can only be paid with the currency of time, attention, and work.

The only problem that most people find with putting in time, attention and work is actually putting in the time, attention and work.

Hence the reason tolerations exist in the first place, because they conveniently wouldn't correct or go away themselves.

Do you get caught up in simuliar situations that desperately require your time, attention and work?

Ask yourself "What am I tolerating?" and record all your answers in a master journal.

Day-by-day and one-by-one is the way to take time to tackle your tolerations, so be patient with yourself and positive with your progress.

Most importantly, remember to celebrate as you strike each one off your list!

Are you committed to becoming even incrementally better? If so, by taking your tolerations into full consideration you will quickly become exponentially better.

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